
Orpheus and Eurydice: A tragic love story

In the teeming maze of Greek mythology, the story of Orpheus and Eurydice emerges like a seductive, melancholy melody. This ancient myth depicts a love so powerful that it defies even the darkness of death. The resonance of this love tragedy has survived the test of time, finding its way into classical literature, music, cinema and beyond, proving its undeniable cultural importance.


Mythological background

The origins of the myth

  • Ancient legend, handed down by poets and scribes
  • Variations in the texts of Ovid, Virgil and other ancient poets

The protagonists

  • Orpheus , son of the muse Calliope, gifted with divine musical talent
  • Eurydice , the charming nymph and wife of Orpheus

The story of Orpheus and Eurydice

Their meeting and marriage

A union celebrated under the auspices of true love and harmony.

Eurydice's tragic death

A cruel fate and a venomous bite take Eurydice's life as soon as she is married.

Orpheus' descent into the Underworld

An epic quest driven by hope and despair, where music softens even the most hardened hearts.

Hades' condition

Hades' proposal: Eurydice would follow Orpheus on the sole condition that she not turn around to look at her.

The fatal glance and the definitive loss

An instinctive gesture, a mortal doubt and the sanction of a love for eternity.

Analysis of the tragedy

Themes addressed

  • Tragic love: eternal love confronted with the ephemerality of existence.
  • Faith and temptation**: Orpheus faces the test of absolute trust.
  • Fatality in the face of human desires and actions.

Expressing the power of music

Orpheus' sublime melodies lull ferocious beasts and guardians of the underworld to sleep.

The question of fidelity and trust

Trust in others as the pillar of a relationship, put to the test.

Cultural influence and adaptations

In literature

From ancient poems to modern novels, a recurring, timeless motif.

In music and opera

From the operas of Monteverdi to Gluck, the myth comes to life through notes and vocalizations.

In film and theater

A source of inspiration for innovative set designs and cinematic stories.

Contemporary metaphors that redefine the legend.


The myth of Orpheus and Eurydice remains a universal parable, embodying the deepest human passions and love's relentless quest to overcome the inescapable. Its mythological heritage continues to enchant and to inspire, uniting past, present and future in the golden thread of its eternal story .

Bibliography / References

A meticulous compendium of primary and secondary sources for those wishing to delve deeper into the myth.


  • Capturing the essence of the legend, selected artistic representations
  • Selected quotations reflecting the beauty of the original text and its many adaptations.