The influence of Shinto on Japanese popular culture
When we delve into the deep well of Japan's traditional religion, we discover Shinto, a set of beliefs that honor the spirits, or Kami, in all aspect…
When we delve into the deep well of Japan's traditional religion, we discover Shinto, a set of beliefs that honor the spirits, or Kami, in all aspect…
Cerberus, the mythical dog with multiple heads, is an emblematic figure in Greek mythology. A fearsome guardian of the Underworld, this terrifying mo…
While the name Narcissus is mainly associated with self-obsession, its story is far more complex and symbolic than that. In this article, we'll explo…
The legend of Medea and the quest for the Golden Fleece dates back to Greek antiquity. This eventful story is interwoven with symbols and powerful ch…
In Greek mythology, the Trojan War was a conflict between the Achaeans and the Trojans. Agamemnon, king of Mycenae and leader of the Achaeans, played…
Hermes, in Greek mythology, is known as the god of trade, travelers, messengers and thieves. A child of remarkable ingenuity and malice, Hermes occup…
In the fascinating world of Greek mythology, Polyphemus holds a special place. This terrifying, mythical Cyclops left his mark on his era through his…
Harpies are fascinating mythological creatures from Greek mythology. Born of oral tradition, they were immortalized by classical writers. These creat…
Of all the characters in Greek mythology, Achilles is one of the most famous. A hero of the Trojan War, he is renowned for his physical strength and …
In Egyptian mythology, there were many gods and goddesses, each with their own area of expertise. Among these deities, there was one that was particu…
Egyptian mythology is a fascinating and complex world full of gods and goddesses, mysterious rites and legends buried in the sands of time. At the he…
Do you know Geb, the fundamental divinity of Ancient Egypt? This central figure of Egyptian mythology is less well known than names like Osiris or An…
Ptah, the powerful creator god, occupies a central place in Egyptian mythology and the religious history of ancient Egypt. He is often depicted as a …
Ancient Egypt is fascinating. Its rich culture and mythology have captivated and fascinated the world for centuries. Egyptian mythology is populated …
Ancient Egypt, steeped in mystery, bequeathed to the world a richly populated pantheon in which each divinity offers its own story and legacy. At the…
In Egyptian mythology, Ptah is the god who presides over the creation and construction of temples. He was revered for thousands of years in ancient E…
Egyptian deities have left their mark on art history through their intrinsic representation in Egyptian mythological culture. Among them, Anoukis, go…
Thor is one of the most charismatic characters in Norse mythology. God of thunder and son of Odin, he is both feared and loved by the Vikings. His li…
Norse maritime mythology is rich in divine figures linked to the waters and oceans. One of the most important of these is the goddess Ran, whose infl…
Welcome to our article on Ullr, the god of hunting and skiing. In Nordic mythology, Ullr is a major god, often associated with winter and snow. He is…
Nordic mythology is a fascinating subject that has captured the imagination of many people throughout the ages. It's full of fascinating stories abou…
Norse mythology, populated by daring gods and epic tales, is full of magic and drama. Among these myths, the tragic fate of Baldr and the unwitting r…
In the hollows of the rocks and the whispers of the wind, the landvættir discreetly watch over the balance of our natural world. These protective spi…
Skadi, one of the most fascinating figures in Nordic mythology, embodies both the power of the wilderness and the implacable rigors of winter. As god…
For centuries, Nordic magic has woven a mystical and fascinating web around Viking cultural heritage. At the vibrant heart of a world where the super…