
Anubis, the god of embalmers and the judgment of souls: His role in the funeral process

Welcome to the fascinating world of ancient Egypt, where the gods reign and the mystery of the pyramids never ceases to captivate! Among these deities, Anubis stands majestically as the emblematic figure of life after death. A true guide to souls and an expert in funeral rituals, his canine figure watches over the dead with an authority that defies time. This article delves deep into the timeless sands to explore the rich role of Anubis and his impact on Egyptian culture, past and present.


Origins and myths associated with Anubis

Mythological origins of Anubis

In the songs of the ancients, Anubis is often depicted as the son of the goddess Nephthys and Osiris. His genesis is a testament to the complexity of ancient Egypt's founding narratives.

Anubis in ancient texts

Dedicated scribes carved his name in stone and on papyrus, ensuring his presence through the Book of the Dead, among other precious sources.

Legends and myths linked to Anubis

  • Anubis and the protection of tombs
  • His role in the resurrection of Osiris
  • The transition of Anubis, from ruler of the underworld to god of embalming

Anubis in the Egyptian religious context

Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs

Worshipped to ensure eternal existence, Anubis is central to the Egyptian pantheon and the beliefs surrounding life after death.

The Egyptian pantheon and the place of Anubis

Perhaps not the most powerful, but certainly one of the most revered, he takes his place alongside Isis, Osiris and other beings of light.

Rites and practices dedicated to Anubis

  • Offering ceremonies to win his favor
  • Incantations and prayers to ensure the protection of the deceased

Anubis and the funeral process

Anubis' role in mummification

Embalming rituals

Anubis orchestrates with precision the preservation of the body for life eternal.

Symbols associated with Anubis in embalming

  • Ointment and strips
  • Magical protection offered by his representations

Representations of Anubis in tombs

Iconography and attributes

Look around, and you'll see his image, with a jackal for a head and an ankh between his legs.

Protection of the deceased and graves

His presence in graves is no mere decoration; he is a sentinel protecting against all evil.

The judgment of souls

The hall of the two truths

Enter this tribunal where Anubis, as balancer of the scales, presides over the most critical ceremony.

The weighing of the heart

The heart, witness of earthly life weighed against the pen of Maat. Anubis in impartial judge.

Anubis, the guide of souls to the afterlife

Once the ordeal is over, he is the shepherd leading the righteous to the kingdom of eternity.

Anubis in art and archaeology

Archaeological findings linked to Anubis

Excavations reveal treasures evoking his permanence through the centuries.

Anubis' influence on funerary art

  • Statues watching over the dead
  • Amulets for the afterlife

Anubis through the ages

His image changes, but his immortal essence remains intact in stories of stone and bone.


Anubis, far from being a dark guardian of death, lights the way to rebirth and renewal. His canine silhouette remains a timeless symbol of protection and justice bequeathed to us by ancient Egypt. By learning from Egyptian legends and deciphering the coded messages in ancient art, we better understand the fascinating beliefs that have shaped our civilization. Anubis isn't just an icon; he's a doorway to a world where death is just the beginning of a new eternal adventure.