
Wisdom and writing: Thoth, the Egyptian god who made history

The ancient Egyptian world is renowned for its cultural and religious riches. Egyptian mythology is filled with fascinating stories and important gods. Among them, Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing, is known for his great influence in Egyptian culture. This deity was considered one of the greatest teachers of wisdom and knowledge in ancient Egypt. In this article, we'll explore the history of Thoth, his role and influence in Egyptian culture.

Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing

In Egyptian mythology, Thoth was considered an important god, associated with many elements of culture and knowledge. Thot was visible throughout ancient Egypt, helping people to understand the more complex concepts of astrology, magic and writing.

Thot is often represented as a baboon, an ibis or a man with the head of an ibis. This appearance was designed to represent the nature of Thoth's abilities. Baboons and ibises were both considered incredibly intelligent animals, earning Thot his reputation for wisdom.

Thoth's association with secret knowledge

Much of Egyptian culture is based on writing. The hieroglyphics were used to write and transmit religious texts, stories and knowledge throughout the Egyptian Empire. Thot is often associated with the creation and use of the sacred hieroglyphic script.

Sacred texts were a form of sacred knowledge that was transmitted from generation to generation. This knowledge was often hidden in Egyptian texts, meaning that a great deal of specialized knowledge was required to understand them. This is why Thoth was considered to be a deity identified with secret knowledge.

The teachings of Thoth and their influence on Egyptian culture

In Egyptian culture, education and wisdom were very important values. Thoth was considered a great teacher of wisdom, and thus had a major influence on Egyptian culture. Temples were notably places of religious learning and instruction.

Religious practices associated with Thoth were complex and included rites of passage, ceremonies and blessings. The sacred hieroglyphs created by Thoth also had a major influence on teaching and learning throughout the Egyptian Empire.

Representations of Thoth in Egyptian art and architecture

Representations of Thoth were very common in ancient Egyptian art and architecture. Statues of Thoth were often placed in temples and tombs to pay homage to him and to inspire knowledge and wisdom.

The iconography of Thoth has evolved over time, but he is often represented carrying a feather in one hand and a papyrus scroll in the other. The feather represented truth, while the papyrus scroll was associated with creation and written culture.


The Egyptian world is not only known for its pyramids, tombs and mummies. Egyptian mythology is rich in fascinating gods, of which Thot, the god of wisdom and writing, is one of the most important. Thot had a great influence on Egyptian culture, teaching and learning, but also on art and architecture. Hieroglyphics, created under Thot's influence, played an important role in the transmission of knowledge and written culture. Ultimately, wisdom and writing were very important values in ancient Egypt , and Thoth was the great master.