
Nephtys, the goddess protector of the dead and her association with Osiris: Her role in the funeral process and the accompaniment of souls

At the heart of the rich tapestry of Egyptian mythology lies Nephthys, an essential divinity and guardian of the mysteries of death. Revered for her role as protector and spiritual guide of souls, Nephtys embodies eternal guidance through the ultimate journey to the afterlife. She is intimately linked to Osiris, the central figure of the funerary world, whose saga of life, death and rebirth has shaped the eternity of Egyptian beliefs.


Mythological background to Nephtys

Nephtys, daughter of Geb and Nut, emerges from ancient stories surrounded by an aura of mystery. As sister of Isis and Set, and wife of Osiris through complex and powerful ties , her figure stands alongside the most important divinities of the Pharaonic era.

Attributes and Symbols

Representations of Nephthys often depict her with outstretched wings, symbolizing her protection, or in the company of animals such as the falcon and the vulture. The objects that accompany her, such as hieroglyphic signs and protective amulets, amplify her link with the world of the dead.

Nephtys and Osiris: A Funeral Association

The tragic legend of the death of Osiris, murdered and dismembered by Set, before being recomposed and brought back to life by Isis, sees Nephtys play a key role as support for her sister. She interferes in this drama to perfect the preservation of Osiris, becoming essential to his rebirth.

The Funeral Duo

The association of Nephthys and Osiris in funerary rites reveals a divine partnership where Nephthys acts as a pillar both protective and benevolent for the resurrected god, reflecting the desire of the Egyptians to secure their journey into the afterlife.

Nephthys's role in the funeral process

Protecting the dead

Nephthys is a leading figure in embalming and mummification rituals, her incantations and magical spells conjuring a barrier against the evils that might threaten the deceased, sealing their journeys towards immortality.

Guiding souls

In the supernatural journey of souls, Nephtys is the compass that guides towards the horizon of eternal life. Ancient texts, engraved in the stone of pyramids and sarcophagi, still echo with her promises of salvation and safe passage.

L'Accompagnement des Âmes par Nephtys

Les Textes Funéraires

Her name engraved at the heart of the "Book of the Dead" evokes powerful incantations , prayers that cradle the deceased as they traverse the great unknown , where Nephtys is sometimes guardian, sometimes guide to the pantheon of the immortal .

Nephtys and Eternal Life

In the Egyptian dream of an afterlife, Nephtys plays the role of mediator between the earthly realm and the divine realm, an intercession saving those who aspire to join the stars.

Worship and veneration of Nephthys

Cult practices

From temples buried in Egyptian sands to sacred days punctuating the year, Nephthys has been venerated by generations of devotees, celebrating her role in preserving life after death .

Nephthys' legacy in Egyptology

Archaeological discoveries are renewing dialogue with the goddess, while her legacy inspires contemporary art and culture, anchoring her immortal figure in our collective imagination.


Nephthys remains a dazzling symbol of Egyptian mythology, a deity who has woven her presence through past and present, always watching over humanity in the face of the mystery of death. Even today , the echoes of her cult resonate, inviting us to celebrate her timeless heritage.


Nephtys, Osiris, Egyptian Mythology, Egyptian Funeral Rites, Protection of the dead, Accompaniment of souls, Book of the Dead, Pyramid Texts, Cult of Nephtys, Mummification, Life after death, Religious Symbolism Egyptian