
Nut, the Egyptian goddess of sky and stars

Ancient Egypt is famous for its rich and complex mythology, which includes dozens of gods and goddesses. Among them is Nut, the goddess of the sky and stars. Considered one of the most important deities of ancient Egypt, Nut has inspired many legends and popular beliefs. In this article, we'll explore her history, her role in Egyptian mythology, and her influence on contemporary culture.

Nut, the sky goddess in Egyptian mythology

Origins and evolution of the Nut cult

The cult of Nut dates back to ancient Egypt, long before the writing of hieroglyphics. Its popularity is thought to have been reinforced by Nut's association with the night sky. Nut is often depicted as a pregnant woman, her arms and legs outstretched as if she were supporting the sky. This image became very popular, especially during the 19th Egyptian dynasty.

Symbols and representations of Nut

Nut is depicted in various forms in Egyptian art. She is often drawn with a slender body and dark blue skin, symbolizing the night sky. Stars are often depicted as splinters on her skin, underlining her role in creating and guarding the sky. In the Egyptian temples, Nut was often depicted as the ceiling, covering the sacred hall.

Nut's role in Egyptian mythology

Nut's association with the celestial world and the stars

Nut was associated with the night and the vault of heaven, and the ancient Egyptians
believed she was responsible for the separation of heaven and earth.
She was also the mother of two of the most important gods of ancient Egypt
Osiris and Isis. According to mythology, Nut gave birth to these two deities after swallowing the sun each night and regurgitating it the following morning .

Myths and legends featuring Nut

Nut was the protagonist of numerous stories involving the gods and pharaohs of ancient Egypt. One of her best-known myths tells how she helped Pharaoh Ra defeat a giant snake that threatened to destroy the world. Nut was also associated with the resurrection of Osiris, who is often depicted as being enveloped by her body during his journey to the afterlife.

Celebrations and rituals in honor of Nut

Nut festivals in ancient Egypt

Nut was revered throughout ancient Egypt, and festivals and ceremonies were organized in her honor every year. One of the most popular was the festival of Nut, which took place every year at the end of summer. During this period, Egyptians believed that Nut opened to let the sun shine through the sky.

Offerings and sacrifices made in her honor

Egyptians often offered sacrifices and offerings to Nut as a token of respect and devotion. The most common offerings were gold and silver jewelry, bronze bells, wooden figurines, and animal offerings such as cats and birds.

Nut's cultural legacy

Nut's influence on Egyptian culture

Nut had an immense influence on Egyptian art and culture. She gave birth to some of Egypt's most important gods, and her role in the creation of the world has inspired popular tales for generations. Even today, representations of Nut can be seen in Egyptian museums and monuments.

References to Nut in contemporary art and literature

The cult of Nut did not disappear with the end of Egyptian civilization. Even today, Nut is an important figure in modern culture. She has inspired contemporary works of art, novels, films and music .


In conclusion, Nut is one of the most important and fascinating figures in Egyptian mythology. She played a central role in the creation of the world and has inspired generations of believers. Her place in the history of ancient Egypt is indisputable, and her influence continues to be felt in the modern world.