
Sekhmet, the lion goddess and her association with healing rituals: Medical texts detailing Sekhmet's healing practices

Egyptian mythology is rich in fascinating deities, and among them, Sekhmet stands out for her powerful and benevolent aura. Let's discover together how this Egyptian lion goddess shaped ancient Egyptian healing practices and medicine, through an in-depth exploration of the texts and rituals associated with her.


In the hot sands of ancient Egypt, an imposing figure, that of a lion-headed woman, watched over health and disease. This figure, is Sekhmet, the powerful and fearsome goddess whose name means "power" or "strength" . Far from being just another deity, Sekhmet occupied a central place in the Egyptian pantheon and was closely linked to healing rituals. But what is her legacy in the Egyptian medical papyri, and how was she worshipped by those who sought protection and healing?

Sekhmet's origins

Sekhmet comes to us from the depths of mythology, holding in her hands the destiny of all who crossed her path:

  • Birth and attributes of Sekhmet: She was born from the eye of the solar god Ra, and her breath could create the desert.
  • Sekhmet's role in Egyptian mythology and religion**: Goddess of war and destruction, she was also the one who could ward off disease and pestilence.
  • Sekhmet in the pantheon of Egyptian deities: Among Egyptian deities, she was feared and respected, a powerful protector against the forces of evil.

Sekhmet and her associations with healing

The lion goddess was not only a warrior, but also a healer, revealing her dualistic nature:

  • Sekhmet's duality: destroyer and healer**: While her anger could manifest itself in disease, her good grace brought healing and health.
  • The cult of Sekhmet and healing** : The ancients invoked her name in incantations and performed rituals to gain her favor.
  • Iconographic representations of Sekhmet linked to medicine: Her ubiquitous image was a symbol of divine Egyptian protection against ills.

Egyptian medical texts and healing rituals

In ancient Egypt, medical knowledge was recorded on papyri, compiling centuries of wisdom:

  • Overview of Egyptian medical papyri: These ancient texts are among mankind's earliest medical treatises.
  • Incantations and magical formulas associated with Sekhmet**: Powerful formulas designed to summon the goddess in times of distress.
  • Rituals and offerings to Sekhmet for protection and healing: Dedicated processions, offerings and prayers to appease the goddess and claim her benevolence.

Practical cases of healing attributed to Sekhmet

Stories of miraculous cures abound, attributing to Sekhmet the power to reverse the worst afflictions:

  • Historical accounts of healings by Sekhmet: Stories engraved in stone and papyrus testify to the ancient Egyptians' faith in Sekhmet's power. Analysis of selected cases from medical texts: How do these texts describe healing and divine intervention?
  • The place of priest-healers in the cult of Sekhmet**: These intermediaries played a crucial role, acting as the goddess's healing hands.

Sekhmet's influence on contemporary Egyptian medicine

Even today, Sekhmet's imprint is present, inspiring alternative medicine and spirituality:

  • Survival of healing traditions associated with Sekhmet: Ancestral practices that resonate with those seeking holistic healing and connection with the past.
  • Influence in modern alternative practices: Sekhmet inspires many therapists and health practitioners.
  • Spiritual and cultural resonance of Sekhmet today: She remains a figure of feminine power and resilience.


In the bright light of Ra, Sekhmet continues to watch over us, her legacy both a reminder of our past and a guide to our future. Her teachings and influence on conceptions of health and disease remain enduring, and Egyptological studies continue to reveal the depth of her role in ancient Egyptian society.


The preservation of knowledge is a pillar of every civilization, and the references that support this article come from museums, institutions and papyri that have come down to us through time.

(At the end of the article, a numbered or bulleted list of bibliographical references and sources used to support the content is inserted).