
Sekhmet: the Egyptian goddess of healing

Sekhmet is an Egyptian deity known for her role in healing and protection. She is represented as a lion-headed woman, a symbol of feminine power and might. In Egyptian art and mythology, she is often honored for her healing abilities and her power to defeat epidemics and disease.

Sekhmet temples as healing centers

Sekhmet temples were major healing centers in ancient Egypt . They were often located near pilgrimage sites and were visited by thousands of patients every year. The temples were run by priests and priestesses who were regarded as skilled healers.

In the temples, patients were subjected to rigorous healing rituals as well as ritual offerings to Sekhmet. These offerings often included terracotta figurines of the deity, as well as offerings of incense and food. Priests and priestesses also performed purification rituals to eliminate negative energies that could hinder healing.

Egyptian medical practices

In ancient Egypt, medicine was an integral part of daily life . The Egyptians had advanced medical knowledge for their time, including the use of medicinal plants and healing practices. They believed that physical health was closely linked to spiritual health, and that both needed to be treated at the same time for optimal results.

The priests and priestesses of the temples of Sekhmet were responsible for teaching these advanced healing practices. They often combined medicinal knowledge with Sekhmet rituals to create holistic treatments that addressed both spiritual and physical health.

Sekhmet symbols

Sekhmet symbols were often used in healing rituals to help eliminate negative energies and promote healing. The lion was one of her most common symbols, representing power and protection. Priests and priestesses frequently used lion figurines in rituals to symbolize healing and protection.

The arrow was another common symbol of Sekhmet, representing protection against ailments that might hinder healing. Mirrors were also used to reflect negative energies away from patients.


In conclusion, Sekhmet was an important goddess in ancient Egypt for her role in healing and protection. Temples to Sekhmet were major healing centers, and the priests and priestesses contributed to the transfer of advanced medical knowledge for their time. The rituals of Sekhmet are still used today in contemporary spiritual practices, testifying to the enduring heritage of this Egyptian divinity.