
Thot, Egyptian god of wisdom and writing

If you've ever studied the history of ancient Egypt, you may have heard of Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and writing. In Egyptian religion and culture, Thoth was revered for his knowledge and his ability to transmit that knowledge to humans. And one of the most important ways in which Thoth transmitted this knowledge was via hieroglyphics.

Thoth and hieroglyphics

Hieroglyphics were a complex, symbolic writing system used by the ancient Egyptians to communicate and record their history and their knowledge. And according to Egyptian mythology, Thoth was the creator of hieroglyphic writing. In fact, Thoth was often depicted in Egyptian art holding a quill and a papyrus scroll, symbolizing his responsibility to transcribe and preserve Egyptian knowledge .

Hieroglyphics were used to tell stories, transmit scientific and religious information, and preserve knowledge. hieroglyphics also played an important role in trade and diplomatic exchanges, facilitating communication between Egyptians and other civilizations. Ultimately, hieroglyphics were essential to the survival and prosperity of Egyptian civilization.

Thoth and education

As well as being the creator of hieroglyphics, Thoth was also considered to be the god of education and knowledge. The Egyptians considered that education was the key to success and a fulfilling life. Thus, Thoth had an important place in the Egyptian educational system.

Temples of Thoth

Egyptian temples were centers of learning and culture. In all over the country, there were temples dedicated to Thoth in which priests taught knowledge and passed on Egyptian traditions. Temples of Thoth also offered writing courses for students of all ages, from introducing young children to the rudiments of reading and writing to teaching more advanced writing techniques for adults.

The priests of Thoth

The priests of Thoth were considered the guardians of sacred Egyptian knowledge. As such, they were responsible for the preservation and transmission of Egyptian culture. The priests of Thot were often highly educated in reading and writing and taught pupils the principles of grammar and syntax of hieroglyphics.

Their role sometimes extended to the translation of hieroglyphic texts, chronicles and ancient narratives, making them the historians and librarians of ancient Egypt. Their work was important for ensuring that Egyptian culture and knowledge were preserved for future generations.


Thot was an important god in Egyptian religion, culture and education . His ability to transmit knowledge to humans via hieroglyphics played a crucial role in the development of Egyptian culture . And the role of Thoth's temples and Thoth's priests in education was essential to the teaching of Egyptian knowledge and traditions.

Even today, hieroglyphics remain an important part of Egyptian culture. Tourists can visit temples to Thoth such as the one in Edfu to learn more about their importance in Egyptian history . The wisdom and knowledge passed on by Thoth and the Egyptian priests continues to be admired today, making Thot an immortal Egyptian god.