
Thoth, the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and libraries

In Egyptian mythology, there were many gods and goddesses, each with their own area of expertise. Among these deities, there was one that was particularly important to Egyptian culture: Thoth. This god was known not only as the guardian of sacred texts and knowledge in ancient Egypt, but also as the god of writing and wisdom. In this article, we'll look at the importance of Thoth in Egyptian mythology, and his association with libraries in ancient Egypt.

The sacred texts of Thoth

Thoth was considered the god of writing in ancient Egypt. He was known for being able to communicate with other gods and goddesses thanks to his power of writing. Thoth's sacred texts were therefore particularly important to the ancient Egyptians. If these writings were lost, they believed it would cause a great loss of knowledge and wisdom.

The sacred texts of Thoth contained a wide variety of information, including the creation of the universe, religious practices, funerary rituals and incantations to invoke the gods and goddesses. These writings were considered sacred and were carefully maintained by priests and library guardians.

Libraries in ancient Egypt

Libraries in ancient Egypt were also very important for the culture and knowledge of the civilization. They housed the sacred texts of Thoth, as well as manuscripts and writings on a wide range of subjects , such as history, poetry, medicine, botany and mathematics.

Libraries were highly organized. The guardians of the libraries were responsible for cataloguing, preserving and protecting the writings. Readers also had to follow strict rules to preserve the integrity of the books. Scribes were the only ones allowed to touch the sacred texts of Thoth.

The association between Thoth and Egyptian libraries

In Egyptian mythology, Thoth was considered a guardian of knowledge and wisdom. Consequently, he was often associated with libraries in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed that Thoth had helped to create the libraries by giving them wisdom and knowledge.

Thot was often represented in libraries in the form of a statuette, symbolizing the wisdom and knowledge contained in the sacred texts. Some libraries even had statues or murals of Thoth, demonstrating his importance to Egyptian culture .

Thot was also considered the guardian of the sacred texts in the library. Priests and guardians often offered him sacrifices and prayers, asking him to protect the sacred texts from danger or misfortune.


In conclusion, Thoth was an important god in Egyptian mythology, charged with preserving wisdom and knowledge. The sacred texts of Thoth were particularly important to the ancient Egyptians, who believed they contained the secrets of the universe and the gods. Similarly, libraries in ancient Egypt were precious places of knowledge and wisdom, preserving the sacred texts of Thoth as well as other important writings.

The association between Thoth and Egyptian libraries is therefore relevant to our understanding of Egyptian history, as it shows the importance of wisdom and knowledge in Egyptian civilization. Thanks to Thoth and libraries, the Ancient Egyptians have left a cultural legacy that is important for us today.