
The Immortal Legend of Achilles: Heroes, Myths and Heritage

Achilles, that emblematic figure of Greek mythology, is often seen as the greatest warrior of the Trojan War, an ancient epic that has captured people's imaginations for millennia. His myth, rich in bravery, honor and tragedy, continues to inspire and shape our perception of the heroic ideal. This article aims to delve into the depths of the legacy and legend of Achilles, whose story has been immortalized notably in Homer's Iliad.

Historical and mythological background

The Trojan War in mythology

The legendary conflict known as the Trojan War is a piece of mythological history that emanates mainly from Homer's Iliad. The war is said to have been triggered by the abduction of Helen, wife of the Greek king Menelaus, by the Trojan prince Paris. As for the main players, they include heroes such as Hector, Agamemnon and our hero in focus, Achilles.

Achilles: Birth and education of the hero

  • Divine and human birth: Son of the goddess Thetis and the mortal Peleus, Achilles was destined for an extraordinary life.
  • Training by the centaur Chiron: Educated by Chiron, the wise centaur, Achilles was transformed into an unparalleled warrior.

Achilles in the Trojan War

Achilles' exploits

  • His principal feats of arms include several dazzling victories on the battlefield.
  • Impact on the course of the war: Achilles' presence in the conflict was often a decisive factor.

Achilles' anger and its consequences

  • The quarrel with Agamemnon is a key moment in the Iliad , when Achilles withdraws from the war.
  • Patroclus' death** leads to Achilles' fierce reaction, as he returns to battle to avenge his friend.

Achilles' death and its implications

  • Circumstances of his death: Achilles is killed by an arrow, guided by the god Apollo, which hits him in his only weak spot: his heel.
  • The end of the war and the aftermath for the Greeks** : Achilles' death marks a turning point in the war and heralds its tragic conclusion.

Achilles' legacy

Literary and artistic legacy

  • The Iliad and other ancient works bear witness to Achilles' profound impact on culture.
  • Modern representations: Achilles continues to appear in novels, films and other art forms to this day.

Cultural and philosophical heritage

  • Interpretations of the figure of Achilles have varied over the centuries, reflecting society's changing ideals.
  • Values and behavior of Achilles are often cited as examples of the heroic ideal and courage.

Achilles as a legend

Fascination with the hero

  • Perennity of his legend: Worldwide fascination with Achilles has continued to grow throughout the ages.
  • Popular culture: Achilles remains a favorite figure in modern entertainment and literature.

The magic of immortality

  • Achilles' heel: Today, this expression refers to any fatal vulnerability.
  • Quest for immortality: The myth of Achilles underlines the human aspiration to immortality, both literally and figuratively.


Achilles' journey, from his impressive exploits to his tragic end, continues to fascinate and inspire. His place in contemporary history and culture remains unchallenged, testifying to the enduring power of ancient myths. In reflecting on Achilles and his impact, we are invited to explore the depths of our own understanding of heroes and their eternal legacy.


To further your discovery of the hero Achilles and the Trojan War, here is a list of reliable resources worthy of study.


In this section, you'll find additional references such as maps of the Trojan region, genealogical tables of Greek deities and much more.