
Apollo, god of sun and music: His exploits and artistic influence

Apollo is an emblematic figure of Greek mythology, revered and adored throughout the ancient world. Fascinating in his complexity, Apollo is the god of the shining sun, illuminating human existence and bringing light to the earth. He is also the patron of the arts, influencing music, poetry and the visual arts. This introduction invites you to explore the luminous and artistic duality of this timeless divinity.


Apollo's birth and ancestry

Divine origins

The genealogy of the Olympian gods is complex, but Apollo occupies a prestigious place in it . Son of Zeus, king of the gods, and Leto, a Titanid, Apollo was destined from birth for a radiant future.

Birth on the island of Delos

Under the jealousy of Hera, Leto found refuge on the floating island of Delos, where she gave birth to Apollo and his twin sister Artemis, goddess of the hunt and the moon.

His parents : Zeus and Leto

Of the two, Apollo embodies the light of his father, with all the brilliance and power associated with the ruler of the gods.

Apollo's attributes and symbolism

  • The sun god brings clarity and truth, scattering the shadows of ignorance with his golden rays.

  • The bow and lyre represent power and harmony. The bow symbolizes his ability to inflict plague or offer healing, while the lyre, a gift from Hermes, is a sign of his patronage of the musical arts and poetry.

  • The laurel is a tree dedicated to Apollo, often associated with victory and poetry, recalling the god's tragic love for the nymph Daphne.

Apollo's major exploits

  • Apollo is known for his fight against the serpent Python , whom he killed with his arrows to avenge the affront to his mother, Leto.

  • He founded the oracle of Delphi , a sacred place where mortals could receive divine predictions and advice.

  • During the Trojan War, Apollo played a key role, supporting the Trojans and sending pestilential arrows into the Greek camps.

  • Other myths and legends associated with Apollo include his tragic love affairs and his confrontations with other gods and heroes.

Apollo in literature and art

  • Classical representations of Apollo often show him as a handsome, flawless young man, embodying the ideal of Greek perfection.

  • In Greek poetry and epics , Apollo is often praised for his wisdom, beauty and musical talents.

  • In sculpture and the visual arts , his images and statues show his ideal physical form and serene presence.

Music and Apollo

As god of music , Apollo is credited with introducing this noble art among humans.

  • The myths associated with his musical talent include stories of divine contests and rewards given to mortals for musical excellence.

  • His influence on instruments and musical training in antiquity shaped the foundations of Western music.

Worship and celebrations in honor of Apollo

  • The practices and rituals in the worship of Apollo varied, but often included sacrifices, offerings and sung hymns.

  • The Pythian Games were sporting and cultural competitions in honor of the god, featuring poetry and music.

  • Their cultural and religious impact is felt even in the way we celebrate contests and festivals today.

Apollo through the ages

  • The reinterpretation of Apollo in post-antique art and literature shows his enduring influence.

  • His influence on contemporary popular culture presents Apollo in many facets, from comics to video games.

  • Presence in neo-pagan culture: modern fascination with the sun god persists through the reinvention of his cults and rituals.


Apollo, solar and artistic divinity, continues to shine in the cultural firmament . His resonance with our aspirations towards light, beauty and harmony makes Apollo an eternal figure whose legacy illuminates our modern world .