
Bellerophon, the hero who tamed Pegasus and killed the Chimera: His story and his fame

Greek mythology is an inexhaustible reservoir of epic tales and heroic characters who have shaped the foundations of Western culture. Among these legendary figures, Bellerophon stands out for his extraordinary adventures, which rival those of Hercules and Theseus. Bellerophon is best known for taming the winged creature Pegasus and defeating the fearsome Chimera, feats that position him as an ancient hero par excellence.


Bellerophon's birth and youth

Family origins

Bellerophon's lineage is tinged with nobility and divine intrigue. Son of king Glaucus of Corinth and grandson of the sea god Poseidon, Bellerophon inherited a lineage that destined him for greatness.

Notable anecdotes from his youth

Bellerophon's youth was marked by an involuntary fault that compelled him to seek purification and consequently, his destiny took him along the path of heroes.

Bellerophon and Pegasus

The capture of Pegasus

The Pirene spring

It was near the Pirene spring that Bellerophon first met the magnificent winged stallion Pegasus. This encounter was to change forever the course of his destiny.

Athena's help

Thanks to Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategy, Bellerophon received a precious gift: the magic reins to capture Pegasus. Divine assistance was often a sign of favoritism in Greek mythology, marking the hero with a seal of legitimacy.

Symbolism of Pegasus in Greek mythology

  • Pegasus symbolizes freedom, poetic inspiration and ascent to the divine.
  • Bellerophon's winged mount also represents the union between heaven and earth.

The confrontation with the Chimera

Description of the Chimera

The Chimera was a mythological monster with the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a snake. A picture of terror in Greek mythology, representing chaos and destruction.

Commissioned by King Iobates

King Iobates entrusted Bellerophon with the formidable task of destroying the Chimera. The challenge seemed impossible, but for a hero of his stature, it was an opportunity to demonstrate his worth.

Bellerophon's strategy and triumph

Using his ingenuity and the powerful aid of Pegasus, Bellerophon flew over the monster and cut it down with his arrows. His triumph was a test of his courage and skill.

Bellerophon's other exploits and downfall

Fighting the Solymes and Amazons

In addition to the Chimera, Bellerophon successfully faced other threats such as the warlike Solymes and the fearsome Amazons, proving his status as an unrivalled fighter.

Attempt to climb Mount Olympus and divine punishment

However, overcome by hubris, like Icarus, Bellerophon attempted to join the gods on Mount Olympus. This audacity earned him the wrath of the divinities and a terrible fall.

End of life and moral lesson

Rejected by men and gods alike, Bellerophon's end of life was marked by solitude and regret, teaching the important lesson of humility.

Bellerophon's cultural heritage and fame

Representations in art and literature

  • Bellerophon has inspired many artists over the centuries, who have depicted his exploits in sculpture, painting and literature.
  • His story has been immortalized in the works of Homer and Hesiod, among others.
  • In films, modern novels and video games, Bellerophon continues to exert his influence, testifying to the enduring nature of Greek myths.


Bellerophon, with his courage, determination and tragic downfall, remains a fundamental figure in mythology and culture. The epic of this ancient hero reminds us of the importance of humility in the face of grandiosity, and of the influence of myths that continue to fascinate future generations.