
Charybdis and Scylla, the fearsome sea monsters: Their role in Ulysses' voyages and their representations

Welcome to the depths of ancient myths, where the stories of two of Greek mythology's most terrifying creatures are woven together: Charybdis and Scylla. Inherited from a tradition rich in epic tales, these monsters embody the perils faced by sailors in their quest for adventure and glory. Their presence is inseparable from the epic tale of Ulysses, where they pose a major challenge on his famous voyage.


Mythological origins

Charybdis: Birth and transformation

According to legend, Charybdis was once a powerful nymph, transformed into an engulfing abyss by a divine whim. Her fearsome whirlpools continue to reflect her anger at the gods who condemned her to this abyssal life.

Scylla: Origin and curse

Scylla also carries a history of forced metamorphosis. Victim of the jealousies of divinities and sorcery, this nymph was transformed into a six-headed monster, ready to devour anyone who dares to pass too close to her lair.

Charybdis and Scylla are connected to a pantheon of deities, illustrating the complex relationships and divine rivalries of antiquity.

Monsters in Homer's Odyssey

The strategic and perilous passage

  • Location of Charybdis and Scylla: Situated at either end of a narrow channel, Charybdis and Scylla force navigators to choose between two evils.

  • Ulysses' description and the crew's reaction**: In the face of horror, Ulysses and his crew must show bravery and ingenuity to survive the ordeal.

Ulysses' confrontation

  • Ulysses' strategies and choices in the face of Charybdis and Scylla: Ulysses, known for his cunning, must devise a plan to minimize losses while navigating the treacherous waters.

Losses and sacrifices: Ulysses' choices lead to poignant sacrifices, underscoring the weight of the captain's responsibility in the face of fate.

Consequences for Ulysses and his crew

  • Lessons learned: The hardships endured teach lessons in prudence and respect for the higher forces of the gods and nature.

  • The continuation of their voyage: Marked by these events, Ulysses and his men continue their journey, taking with them the memories and lessons of this memorable passage.

Representations and interpretations

Artistic and literary representations through the ages

  • Classical art and the Renaissance : Artists often depicted this battle between man and nature, capturing the terror and grandeur of the myth.

  • Literature and modern adaptations: Charybdis and Scylla continue to inspire authors and filmmakers, testifying to their indelible place in culture.

Symbolic analysis

  • Metaphor of impossible choices: Ulysses' dilemma has become a classic metaphor for the Cornelian choices individuals face in their lives.

  • Reflection on human nature and destiny** : The myth invites introspection on human will in the face of fate's whims.

Cultural influences

  • Allusions in popular culture: Charybdis and Scylla appear frequently in popular culture, proving their timeless impact.

  • Impact on linguistic expressions: "C'est tomber de Charybde en Scylla" is a well-established expression, illustrating the passage from one evil to another.


The tales of Charybdis and Scylla stand the test of time, still captivating the imagination of readers and adventurers alike. Their role in Greek mythology continues to inspire and fascinate, testifying to the ability of myths to transcend the ages and speak to us of the eternal dangers of raging seas and daring voyages.