
Clytemnestra, Agamemnon's wife and her vengeance: Her role in Greek tragedy

In ancient Greece, tragedies were often inspired by myths and legends. Clytemnestra was one of the most famous characters of the time, often mentioned in plays. In this article, we'll delve into the life of Agamemnon's wife, her motivations and her vengeance. We'll also explore her impact on Greek tragedy.


Clytemnestra's revenge

Reasons for Clytemnestra's anger

Clytemnestra was married to Agamemnon, King of Mycenae. During a war against Troy, Agamemnon sacrificed their daughter, Iphigenia, to gain the favor of the gods. This act upset Clytemnestra, who never forgot the deep wound .

The assassination of Agamemnon

After the Trojan War, Agamemnon returned to Greece victorious. However, Clytemnestra, accompanied by her lover Aegisthe, plotted against him. On his return, Agamemnon was murdered by Clytemnestra, who thus took her revenge .

The consequences of the act of revenge

Clytemnestra has thus made a choice with definitive consequences. She killed her own husband to avenge her daughter, but she also became a criminal in the eyes of the Greek people. This tragedy also led to unfortunate events that complicated the rest of the story, showing that revenge can cause more harm than good.

Clytemnestra's role in Greek tragedy

Representations of Clytemnestra in plays

Clytemnestra was often portrayed as a strong, courageous woman capable of facing adversity. She was a complex personality, but was also a key character in many Greek plays.

Her impact on other characters

Agamemnon's murder turned the lives of all the characters upside down. Agamemnon's children, Electra and Orestes, as well as members of Aegisthe's family, were all deeply affected by the tragedy. Clytemnestra's actions had lasting consequences for them all.

Her influence on the plot

Clytemnestra's vengeance also had a major impact on the plot of the tragedy. The feeling of revenge led Clytemnestra to make an irreversible decision, which then provoked a series of dramatic events.

Analysis of Clytemnestra's characteristics

Her personality

Clytemnestra was a strong, independent woman, who took her destiny in hand to obtain justice for her daughter. She was a woman who had suffered much and finally decided to take her revenge. However, her choice also had tragic consequences for her and those around her.

Her strength and courage

Clytemnestra needs strength and courage to achieve her revenge. Her act is brutal and ruthless, but it also illustrates the courage needed to face life's difficulties.

Her importance in Greek mythology

Clytemnestra is one of the best-known characters in Greek mythology . She is often portrayed as a strong and courageous figure, who is capable of making difficult decisions in complex situations . Her legend continues to inspire artists and writers alike.

Comparison with other famous women from Greek mythology


Like Clytemnestra, Medea is a woman who has suffered betrayal by her husband and ultimately resorts to revenge to obtain justice. Her tragedy is also considered one of the darkest in Greek mythology.


Hecuba is another famous woman from Greek mythology, who suffered betrayal and loss. She is often portrayed as a courageous mother , mourning the loss of her children.


Antigone is also an important female character in Greek tragedy. She is courageous and determined, and is willing to rebel against authority to support her family and her principles.


Clytemnestra is a complex character, whose vengeance has had tragic consequences for her and those around her. However, her strength and courage have inspired numerous artistic representations. In the end Clytemnestra reminds us of the importance of reflecting on the consequences before acting.