
Hera, the goddess of marriage and wife of Zeus: Her role and relations with the other gods

In the vast pantheon of Greco-Roman divinities that populate the myths and legends of antiquity, Hera stands out for her status as goddess of marriage and her role alongside Zeus. Her figure is inseparable from Greek mythology, weaving her presence into tales of divine deception, protection of the sacred union and struggles for power.

Hera, wife of Zeus

Union and marriage with Zeus

At the beginning of mythical times, Hera united her destiny with that of Zeus, becoming queen of the gods. Their union was marked by an eternal wedding celebrated with great festivities to guarantee the stability of Olympus .

Tensions and deceptions

However, life as a divine couple was not without its torments, as Zeus' deceptions are legendary. Hera, jealous and vengeful, did not fail to react, often with great severity, to the infidelity of her husband.

Hera's role as protector of marriage

Despite marital discord, Hera was the protector of marriage, watching over the union and fidelity, legislating for the harmony and durability of homes.

Hera's role in Greek mythology

Hera as goddess of marriage and fertility

Hera presided over marital affairs and fertility, encouraging births and the abundance of life.

Protectress of women

Her mission also extended to the protection of women, particularly in their role as wives and mothers, defending their interests in a patriarchal society.

Hera in ancient rites and celebrations

Ancient rites and ceremonies underlined the importance of the cult of Hera, every stage of feminine life being marked by her divine imprint.

Hera's attributes and symbols

Sacred objects and animals

The peacock, with its sumptuous plumage, and the cow, symbol of maternity, are among Hera's symbols. Scepters and crowns also reinforce her regal figure among Greek divinities.

Artistic representations of Hera

In ancient works of art, Hera is often depicted as a majestic woman , clothed in royal attributes and surrounded by her symbols.

Temples and shrines dedicated to Hera

Impressive structures such as the Temple of Hera at Olympia bear witness to the respect and admiration the ancient Greeks held for her.

Hera's relationship with other deities

  • Conflicts with demigods and heroes: Hera often reserved a certain animosity for the illegitimate offspring of Zeus, placing heroes like Heracles in perilous situations.
  • Relationships with her own children: Her legitimate offspring with Zeus generally enjoyed unwavering support.

Hera's alliances and enmities with other gods drew the political picture of Olympus, where love and hate rubbed shoulders daily.

Several myths illustrate her complex interactions with other figures of the Greek pantheon, revealing various facets of her character.

Hera in contemporary culture

Hera in modern literature and cinema

Classic literature and contemporary cinematic blockbusters often draw inspiration from the figure of Hera, exploring the nuances of her cultural influence.

Influence on works of art and cultural expressions

Hera's imprint can be found in various artistic fields, where her image undergoes constant evolution according to the times and ideals.

The modern perception of the figure of Hera

From ancient goddess to modern icon, the perception of Hera has been transformed, but continues to arouse fascination and reflection around femininity and power.


The impact of Hera on Greek cultural identity remains evident, both in history and in enduring artistic representations. Despite the millennia, Hera remains an inspiring figure of mythology, complex and fascinating, whose resonance beyond ancient legends can still be observed in our society today.

Notes and references

For a more in-depth exploration of the myths surrounding Hera, the attributes associated with her and her cultural heritage, several resources are available for the curious and the learned.