
Paris, judge of beauty in the Trojan War

The Trojan War is a legend that has spanned centuries and generations. At the heart of this war, one character played a major role: Paris, the judge of beauty. Let's discover together the story of Paris and his involvement in the Trojan War.

Historical background to the Trojan War

In Greek mythology, the Trojan War began with the abduction of Helen, the wife of King Menelaus, by the Trojan prince Paris. The war then broke out between the Greeks and the Trojans to recover Helen.

The role of Pâris in the Trojan War

The legend of the Pâris judgment

According to legend, Pâris was chosen by the gods to judge which of three goddesses was the most beautiful: Aphrodite, Hera and Athena. Each trying to influence the young prince, Aphrodite offered him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world in exchange for his voice. Pâris chooses Aphrodite as the most beautiful.

Helen's abduction

Pâris is sent on a diplomatic mission to King Menelaus to renew the ties between Troy and Greece. There, he falls in love with Helen and abducts her to take her with him to Troy. This triggers the Trojan War.

Greek reaction

Menelaus calls on his brother Agamemnon, King of Mycenae, and several other Greek kings to help him win back his wife. The Greek fleet, commanded by Agamemnon, lands before Troy to recover Helen, and war breaks out.

The consequences of Pâris' action

The Trojan War

The Trojan War lasted ten years. It was marked by violent attacks , the capture of cities and numerous human losses.

Human and material losses

The Trojan War caused the death of many people, including mythical heroes such as Achilles and Hector. The city of Troy was also destroyed, with many material losses.

The fall of Troy

The war ended thanks to a stratagem devised by Ulysses, the horse of Troy. The Greeks hide inside a huge wooden horse offered as a gift to the Trojans, who eventually accept it. Once inside, the Greeks emerge from the horse and seize Troy, reducing it to ashes.

The myth of Paris

Evolution of the character of Paris in Greek mythology

Over the centuries, the character of Paris has evolved in Greek mythology . Sometimes seen as a coward and traitor, sometimes as a passionate lover , his personality has been the subject of multiple interpretations.

Artistic representations of Pâris in the history of art

The character of Pâris has inspired numerous artists throughout the history of art. One example is Jacques-Louis David's painting "Le serment des Horaces", in which the three Horace brothers swear their love for Rome before setting out to defend their city.


Pâris, the judge of beauty, is a key figure in the Trojan War. His abduction of Helen sparked a bloody war with dramatic consequences. The legend of Paris has continued to fascinate artists down the ages, testifying to the importance of this character in Greek mythology.