
Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes in Greek mythology

Poseidon is one of the most important gods of Greek mythology. He is considered the god of the sea, but is also associated with earthquakes, horses and storms. His complex personality makes him a fascinating character, both benevolent and angry. In this article, we'll explore Poseidon's role in Greek mythology, his personality, his achievements and the myths that surround him.


Poseidon in Greek history

In Greek mythology, Poseidon is considered one of the twelve Olympian gods . His main role is related to the sea, but he also has an important role in the terrestrial world. Poseidon was the brother of Zeus and Hera, and the father of many children, such as the hero Theseus.

Poseidon was revered throughout Greece, and his cult was particularly important in coastal cities. In Athens, for example, the temple of Poseidon was one of the largest and most famous. The celebrations dedicated to the god took place every year during the month of Poseidonia.

In Greek mythology, Poseidon is not always kind to the other gods. He is often in conflict with his nephew Athena, and quarrels with Zeus on several occasions. But despite these disputes, Poseidon remains one of the most powerful gods in Greek mythology.

Poseidon's personality

Poseidon's personality is complex, and he is often portrayed as a god who is both powerful and unpredictable. He is often described as angry and jealous. However, Poseidon can also be benevolent and protective of those who honor him appropriately.

Many mythological events involving Poseidon show him in a very different light. In one of the most famous myths about Poseidon, he helps the Greek hero Odysseus return home after many hardships. The stories of Poseidon show that he can be at times vengeful and implacable, at other times protective and benevolent.

Poseidon's influence on Greek life

In Greek mythology, Poseidon was closely linked to the lives of the Greeks. Sailors, fishermen and merchants depended on his favors to navigate safely. On many occasions, Poseidon was invoked to protect children traveling at sea.

As god of earthquakes, Poseidon could also cause disasters. The Greeks often associated earthquakes with Poseidon's wrath.

Myths surrounding Poseidon

The myths associated with Poseidon are many and varied. One of the most famous tells the story of his rivalry with the goddess Athena for control of Athens. They both proposed a gift to the city, which was chosen by a vote. In the end, the citizens of Athens chose Athena's gift of an olive tree over Poseidon's gift of a spring. Furious, Poseidon vowed to shake the earth beneath Athens, and a strong tremor occurred shortly afterwards.

Another famous story about Poseidon concerns his son Polyphemus. Odysseus and his companions were captured by Polyphemus, a Cyclops, and locked in his cave. Odysseus managed to blind Polyphemus before fleeing. Polyphemus' father, Poseidon, swore revenge on Odysseus for what had happened.

In another popular story, Poseidon falls in love with the beautiful Medusa, , but she rejects him. In his anger, Poseidon transforms Medusa into a frightening creature with snake-like hair and a look that petrifies.

Artistic representations of Poseidon

In Greek art, Poseidon is usually depicted with a beard, almond-shaped eyes and long hair. He carries a trident, symbolizing his power over the sea and earthquakes. Greek artists also often depicted Poseidon on the back of a horse or dolphin.


Poseidon is one of the most powerful and interesting gods of Greek mythology . His complex personality and his relationship with the other gods have inspired numerous myths and legends. Although Poseidon could be hot-tempered, he was also a benevolent protector of those who honored him appropriately. We can still see the legacy of Poseidon in modern culture, from the iconographic representation of his figure to the way we still associate earthquakes with the sea.