
Les Grées, the three sisters who shared a single eye: Their role in Greek mythology and their unique appearance

Greek mythology is a vast realm filled with epic deities, legendary heroes and terrifying monsters. Within this rich tapestry, the Gées form a fascinating and unique trio. These three sisters with strange characteristics play a crucial role in many Greek myths, including Perseus' famous quest to defeat Medusa.


Identity of the Grées

Origin and etymology

  • Signification of the name : The term "Grées" comes from ancient Greek, meaning old men or elders, referring to their appearance from birth.
  • Place in divine genealogy: Descended from the line of primordial gods, the Grées are the daughters of Phorcys and Ceto, marine entities symbolizing the hidden dangers of water and sea monsters respectively.

Description of the three sisters

  • Names and individuality of each sister: The trio consists of Dino, Enyo and Pemphrédo. Each has her own personality, despite the sharing of their senses.
  • Particularity of sharing a single eye: Les Grées are distinguished by the fact that they share a single eye and a single tooth, passing them from one to the other to see or eat.

Myth of the Grées

Their role in the myth of Perseus

  • Meeting with Perseus : The hero approaches them during his quest to obtain vital information.
  • Contribution to the quest for the Gorgon Medusa: Without their knowledge, Perseus would not have been able to approach Medusa and fulfill his destiny.

Interactions with other mythological figures

  • Links with other deities and monsters: They are notably associated with the Gorgon Medusa, their sister, and other terrifying figures from Greek mythology.
  • Associated stories and legends: Although their most prominent presence is in the story of Perseus, many other stories mention the Gaeries in various ways.

Symbolism and interpretation

Symbolism of the single eye

  • Visions of wisdom and knowledge: The single eye of the Grées is often interpreted as a symbol of shared vision or omniscient knowledge.
  • Cultural and artistic representations: This distinctive feature has been used in art to represent the singularity and rarity of true wisdom.

Modern meanings

  • Grees in contemporary literature: Many modern authors have drawn inspiration from the myth to create characters reminiscent of the Greeks.
  • Influences in film and pop culture: In various cinematic and cultural works, the image of the Grées has been adapted and reinvented.

Appearance and representations

Physical description according to ancient texts

Ancient texts offer a variety of descriptions, but the Grées are generally depicted as elderly, hideous women.

Evolution of artistic representations

  • Grées in ancient art : Classical art often depicted the Greeks in a grotesque way, emphasizing their nature as monsters.
  • Grees in modern art: Modern interpretation has evolved, sometimes softening their features or stylizing them to emphasize myth rather than horror.

Comparison with other mythological figures sharing unique features

### The Fates and the thread of life

As the Fates share an eye, so do the Fates share responsibility for the thread of life, weaving the fate of mortals.

Sister Fates in other mythologies

Many cultures have figures similar to the Fates, with shared attributes that underline their power and unity.


The Fates remain one of the most emblematic sets of characters in Greek mythology. Their representations and symbolism have shaped the collective imagination and continue to influence contemporary culture. This cultural heritage endures, proof of the narrative power of ancient myths.