
The legend of the serpent Ananta Sesha

In the brilliant mosaic of Hindu mythology, the legend of the serpent Ananta Sesha emerges as a fundamental story, weaving the thread that links the earth to the divine. Beyond its mythological role, this serpentine entity is a cornerstone of Hindu spirituality and culture. Ananta Sesha, whose name means "Without end, the rest", is inseparable from the figure of the protector and preserver of the universe, the god Vishnu.

Birth and symbolism of Ananta Sesha

Ananta Sesha's mythological origins are reflected in the sacred Hindu texts , notably the Mahabharata and the Puranas, which recount his birth as an aspect of Vishnu himself.

  • In Hindu cosmogony, Ananta Sesha coils in infinite spirals, symbolizing the eternity and cyclical change of the universe.
  • Artistic and cultural representations, from majestic statues to colorful frescoes, immortalize Ananta Sesha in all its grandeur, enriching Hindu religious art.

Ananta Sesha and the god Vishnu

The link between Ananta Sesha and Vishnu is revealed in a symbiotic relationship, where the serpent serves as a cosmic bed for the sleeping god, keeping him afloat above the primordial waters.

  • Ananta Sesha plays a crucial role in Vishnu's avatars, often seen as the solid foundation enabling the god to maintain cosmic order.
  • The teachings and philosophy derived from this association emphasize themes of unwavering support, stability and preservation.

Legends and associated stories

A multitude of stories envelop Ananta Sesha in mystery and majesty.

  • Ancient scriptures such as the Mahabharata and the Puranas abound with enchanting tales of his exploits.
  • Folk tales and anecdotes populate the collective imagination, often handed down from generation to generation orally.
  • The presence of Ananta Sesha in other cultures offers fascinating parallels with similar Serpentine legends.

Ananta Sesha worship

Worship of Ananta Sesha takes shape through religious practices rooted in the daily lives of devotees.

  • Rituals such as specific pujas honor Ananta Sesha, underscoring her importance in Hindu devotion.
  • Temples and sacred places dedicated to Ananta Sesha dot the landscape, offering a space for prayer and spiritual connection.

Influence on contemporary culture

Ananta Sesha's echo resonates in modern culture, proving its timeless symbolic force .

  • In modern literature, contemporary works draw inspiration from the eternal serpent to forge captivating narratives.
  • Cinema and the media, too, embrace its figure to create visual works that revive its story for new audiences.


The legend of the Ananta Sesha serpent stands out in the imagination with its layers of deep symbolism and meaning that survive over the millennia. The impact of this entity on Hindu spirituality and culture bears witness to the power of founding myths, sculpting beliefs and offering a mirror to human quests.