
The story of the goddess Parvati

Welcome to a fascinating journey of discovery of Parvati, a central Hindu goddess whose devotion and love are celebrated throughout India and beyond. Her presence is fundamental to Hindu mythology, where she embodies fertility, marital devotion, beauty, power and motherhood.


Birth and Origins

Mythical accounts relate various versions of Parvati's birth, each testifying to her greatness. She is said to be the reincarnation of Sati, Shiva's first consort, and all her avatars derive from the form of Shakti, the universal feminine energy.

Parvati and Shiva

The encounter between Parvati and Shiva is nothing short of epic, transcending time and space. The divine marriage between these two deities is a celebrated event and symbolizes the union of masculine and feminine power, consciousness and energy, yin and yang.

Role and Attributions

  • Parvati as mother: With Shiva, she gives birth to Ganesha, the elephant-headed god, and Kartikeya, the celestial warrior.
  • Parvati as goddess of love and fertility**: She inspires women and couples in their quest for harmony and prosperity.
  • Parvati and the cult of Shakti: As an incarnation of the supreme goddess Shakti, Parvati is worshipped for her infinite strength and tenderness.

Manifestations and Forms

Parvati's countless incarnations reveal her complex nature and power. She is worshipped in terrifying and benevolent forms, from Durga to Kali, each avatar symbolizing different aspects of life and the universe. Artistic representations of Parvati the often portray her with unrivalled grace, adorned with jewels and flowers, radiant in her divinity.

Parvati in mythology and sacred texts

Finding Parvati in the ancient Vedas or Puranas is a testament to her pivotal role in Hindu mythology. She is celebrated for her wisdom, her maternal love and her ability to guide and protect her devotees through the ages .

Worship and Celebrations

  • Festivals in honor of Parvati: From Navaratri to Teej, celebrations overflow with love and fervor for the goddess.
  • Rituals and devotional practices: These offer a glimpse into the ancient traditions and ceremonies perpetuated in honor of the goddess Parvati.

Cultural influence

Parvati's legacy permeates literature, from poetry to epics, and influences the art world, where she is often depicted in idealized form, underscoring her importance in Hindu culture.


Parvati's impact on Hinduism endures through the ages. Her story is a legacy of love, devotion and strength, handed down from generation to generation, continuing her role as spiritual guide and source of inspiration divine.