
Shinto deities of love and marriage

Shinto, Japan's ancestral religion, is based on the worship of natural deities, the Kami. Within this belief, love and marriage occupy a significant place, reflecting the importance of harmony and prosperity in society. This article explores the Shinto deities of love, details Shinto wedding rituals, and examines their influence on contemporary Japan.


The origins of the worship of the deities of love and marriage

Shinto mythology, rich in creation stories, introduces deities embodying the essence of love and the matrimonial bond. Since ancient times, various rituals and festivities have honored these vital aspects of human life .

Shinto cosmogony and the first deities

According to Shinto, the universe emerges from primordial chaos, leading to the appearance of the Kami, who shape the world. Some of these divinities are dedicated to fertility, happiness c