
The myth of Aztlan, the birthplace of the Aztecs

Mythology and the stories of ancient civilizations reveal fascinating truths about cultures of the past. At the heart of Aztec traditions and identity lies the myth of Aztlan, the mythical place from which the Aztec civilization originated. Understanding the myth of Aztlan is therefore essential to grasping the richness and complexity of Aztec culture. This article takes you on a journey to a bygone era, to discover the origins of one of the most intriguing civilizations in human history.


Origins and description of the Aztlan myth

Mythological accounts of Aztlan

  • Historical sources of the myth Ancient codexes and stories handed down by Aztec priests are the main sources of information about Aztlan. These documents offer a window onto the worldview of this pre-Hispanic people.

  • According to Aztec mythology, Aztlan was an island paradise bathed in canals and lush gardens, where life was easy for its inhabitants.

Aztlan in Aztec cosmology

  • Aztlan's place in the Aztec universe Aztlan was seen as the starting point of creation, the place where the gods shaped the Aztec people and sent them on their mission to find the Promised Land.

  • Aztlan and the creation of the Aztec people** Myth relates how the Aztecs, under the name Mexicas, were chosen to leave Aztlan under the guidance of their principal god, Huitzilopochtli, and found a new civilization.

Pilgrimage to the Promised Land

Leaving Aztlan

  • Causes and circumstances of the departure Internal conflicts and a divine order are said to have prompted the Aztecs to undertake their sacred pilgrimage.

  • The spiritual significance of the pilgrimage The journey represented a collective initiation rite, shaping the identity of the people who were to conquer and merit their new land.

The tribulations during the journey

  • Trials and obstacles Stories tell of the many difficulties faced by the Aztecs during their long wanderings.

  • The guidance of the gods Aztec beliefs constantly stressed the central role of the gods in their journey, navigating between protection and hardship.

Settling in the Valley of Mexico

The prophecy of the eagle and the nopal

According to prophecy, the Aztecs would know they had found their new homeland at the sight of an eagle perched on a nopal cactus devouring a snake.

The founding of Tenochtitlan

  • Foundation rituals Ceremonies and sacrifices were performed to sanctify the birth of what would become the great city of Tenochtitlan.

  • The importance of Tenochtitlan in Aztec culture The city, erected on a lake, became not only the political and economic center, but also a powerful symbol of the fulfillment of Aztec destiny.

Aztlan in contemporary culture

The search for the geographical location of Aztlan

Archaeologists and historians still debate the physical location of Aztlan, with some even locating it in the southwestern United States today.

The symbol of Aztlan in political and cultural movements

  • The Chicano Movement The Chicano movement of the 1960s claimed Aztlan as a symbol of territorial reclamation and cultural identity for Mexican Americans.

  • Aztlan in contemporary Mexican identity** For many Mexicans, the myth of Aztlan remains a source of national pride and connection with the pre-Columbian past.

Controversies and theories surrounding Aztlan

Academic debates over Aztlan's existence and location

Researchers are divided over whether Aztlan has a base in historical and geographical reality, or whether it dwells solely in the realm of myth.

Films, books and video games have taken hold of Aztlan, sometimes depicting it as a lost paradise, sometimes as a mystery to be unraveled.


  • Recapitulating the importance of Aztlan The myth of Aztlan remains a fundamental element of Aztec cultural and historical heritage, forming an essential chapter in the history of the native peoples of the Americas.

  • The myth's impact on Aztec and Mexican identity** Aztlan continues to inspire and shape the identity of Mexicans and communities of Mexican origin around the world.

  • Future prospects for Aztlan research The enigma of Aztlan continues to inspire archaeologists, historians and enthusiasts to seek answers and a better understanding of the Aztecs' complex past.


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