
The myth of the fifth sun among the Aztecs

Aztec myths, with their panoply of gods, rituals and complex cosmologies, form a fascinating web weaving the identity of one of Mesoamerica's greatest civilizations. Among these narratives, the myth of the fifth sun occupies a special place, symbolizing the Aztec worldview and spirituality. This article sets out to explain this central myth, answering questions about its origin, meaning and impact on the lives of the Aztecs and on our own today.


Cultural and historical background of the Aztecs

Aztec society and religion

The Aztecs built an impressive empire from their capital Tenochtitlan. Religion permeated every aspect of their existence, with a rich pantheon and an influential priestly hierarchy.

Cosmogony: a vision of the world and the universe

Aztec cosmogony proposes a vision of the world organized into several eras or suns, marked by creation, destruction and rebirth.

The place of myth in daily life and ritual

Myths were not mere stories; they dictated ceremonies, sacrifices and social life, materializing in art, architecture and the Aztec calendar.

The origins of the myth of the fifth sun

The four previous suns: eras and cataclysms

Before the fifth sun, four other eras came into being and were annihilated by natural cataclysms, reflecting a cyclical vision of existence.

Birth of the fifth sun: the sun of movement

The fifth sun, or sun of movement (Nahui Ollin), began with the courageous sacrifice of a god, Tezcatlipoca, giving birth to a new era characterized by movement and change.

Explanation of the cyclical succession of suns

This pattern of successive creations underlines the belief in a recurring cosmology, where each world is destined to come to an end, only to give way to a new beginning.

The main elements of the myth of the fifth sun

The creator gods: Ometecuhtli and Quetzalcoatl

Ometecuhtli, the primordial duality, and Quetzalcoatl, the "Feathered Serpent", are among the major divinities orchestrating the eras and the creation of mankind in this myth.

The sacrifice of the gods and the birth of a new cycle

The theme of divine sacrifice is central to the myth, symbolizing the regeneration and commitment of the gods to mankind.

The role of humanity under the fifth sun

The Aztecs believed that their role was to maintain world order through rituals and sacrifices in order to prevent the destruction of the present era.

Meaning and interpretation

Symbolic analysis of the myth

The myth of the fifth sun is rich in symbols, carrying messages about time, sacrifice and cosmic balance.

In relation to beliefs about the end of time, this myth illustrates the Aztec awareness of a destiny inexorably linked to divine will.

Comparisons with other cultures and creation myths

On a global scale, this myth shares common themes with other traditions, providing a window on how humanity conceptualizes the birth and end of the world.

The myth's impact on the contemporary world

From literature to video games, the story of the Fifth Sun continues to inspire creators, testifying to its universal reach.

The myth and Mexican national identity

For modern Mexico, these ancestral tales contribute to a sense of identity and cultural continuity.

The lessons and contemporary relevance of the myth

The myth's symbolism conveys lessons about humility, responsibility, and man's relationship with nature - reflections that are still relevant today.


To conclude, the Aztec story of the fifth sun is much more than pre-Columbian mythology; it is a veritable keystone of their worldview that still resonates today. Its lessons remain relevant, as we continue to seek our own place in the unbroken cycle of time and the universe.

The prospects for future studies of pre-Columbian religions are vast, and the in-depth study of myths such as that of the fifth sun will continue to illuminate not only our understanding of the past but also our relationship with the world today.


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