
Religious festivals in the Aztec year

The Aztec civilization is renowned for its majestic temples, warrior prowess and astronomical knowledge. At the heart of this pre-Columbian society, religion played a central role, guiding both the daily lives of individuals and the destiny of the empire. In this article, we delve into the vibrant world of Aztec ceremonies and festivities, veritable windows onto a rich and complex culture.


Importance of religion in Aztec society

Aztec religion permeated every aspect of life, serving as the foundation for social, political and economic order. Multiple deities governed the natural elements, warfare, creation, and even daily tasks .

Brief introduction to the Aztec calendar

The Aztec calendar is a fascinating construction of time and spirituality, which orchestrated agricultural activities, political events and religious festivals. With remarkable precision, it unequivocally governed the lives of the Aztecs.

Structure of the Aztec calendar

The xiuhpohualli: 365-day solar calendar

The xiuhpohualli divided the year into 18 months of 20 days each, supplemented by five additional days considered harmful. This calendar dictated the rhythm of agricultural work and seasonal celebrations.

The tonalpohualli: 260-day divinatory calendar

Less well known and more enigmatic, the tonalpohualli combines 20 signs with 13 numbers to create a 260-day cycle. This ritual calendar defined the favorable days for births, battles or dedications to gods.

Interaction and synchronization between the two calendars

The intercalation of these calendars formed 52-year cycles, at the end of which a new cycle began. The alignment of these systems deeply structured Aztec culture.

The main religious ceremonies and festivals

The Ochpaniztli festival - Cleansing

Ochpaniztli marked a time of purification and cleansing, when the goddess of fertility and agriculture, Toci, was celebrated.

Toxcatl festival - Honoring Tezcatlipoca

Toxcatl was an intense time when Tezcatlipoca, the nocturnal deity and mysterious , was honored with splendor and sometimes even awe.

Huey Tozotli - Gratitude for the harvests

During Huey Tozotli, the Aztecs expressed their gratitude for the harvests, a key moment for maintaining cosmic balance and prosperity.

Rituals associated with the festivities

Preparation and offerings

Before each festivity, the people devoted much time to making offerings to the gods, a sign of their devotion and hope for a benevolent future .

Dances and ceremonies

Festivals were punctuated by ritual dances and ceremonies that linked participants to the deities and sacred forces that governed the world.

Sacrifices and fertility rites

To maintain cosmic order, sacrifices were often performed. These ceremonies, both feared and respected, were essential to ensuring the continuity of natural and divine cycles.

Seasonal festivals and their meanings


  • Tlacaxipehualiztli - Renewal and fertility
  • Huey Tozoztontli - Tribute to the rain deities


  • Tecuilhuitontli and Huey Tecuilhuitl - Celebration of crop growth


  • Ochpaniztli - Purification and preparation for the end of the year


  • Panquetzaliztli - Worship of Huitzilopochtli, god of the sun and war

Gods and deities honored during the festivals

Quetzalcoatl - The Feathered Serpent

This venerated deity represented wisdom and life.

Huitzilopochtli - God of the sun and war

The main protector of Tenochtitlan, this imposing god guided the Aztecs in their conquests and strategic decisions.

Tlaloc - God of rain

Indispensable for agriculture, Tlaloc was celebrated to ensure beneficial rainfall for crops.

Tezcatlipoca - God of destiny and night

A complex and powerful entity, Tezcatlipoca embodied the dualism inherent in the Aztec universe.

Influence of religious festivals on Aztec society

Social and political organization

Festivities consolidated the social and political hierarchy, reinforcing the power of rulers and the role of priests.

Agriculture and economy

The religious calendar and its festivities regulated the cultivation and harvest cycles essential to the Aztec economy.

Education and oral tradition

These events enabled the transmission of myths, legends and fundamental values of society through the teaching of young people.


Recapitulating the importance of religious festivals

Aztec religious festivals are not just events of the past; they embody the essence of a civilization whose beliefs and practices continue to arouse admiration and curiosity.

Impact on contemporary Aztec culture

From their traces remain practices and celebrations that shape modern Mexican culture.

Persistence of traditions in modern festivities

Elements of Aztec festivities can be found in some of today's rites, testifying to their indelible aspect in Mexico's cultural heritage.


  • [Reference work on the Aztec calendar]
  • [Study of Aztec religious ceremonies]
  • [Anthropological analysis of Aztec festivals]


  • Aztec festivals
  • Aztec religion
  • Aztec calendar
  • Aztec ceremonies
  • Aztec gods
  • Aztec society
  • Aztec rituals
  • Tonalpohualli
  • Xiuhpohualli
  • Huitzilopochtli
  • Tezcatlipoca
  • Quetzalcoatl
  • Tlaloc
  • Pre-Columbian traditions