
Moon Myths in Aztec Culture

In the vast expanse of pre-Columbian history, Aztec civilization stands out for its rich cultural heritage, complex art and profound cosmology. The Moon, omnipresent in the night sky, has always held a special fascination for mankind. In ancient civilizations, it was often surrounded by strong symbolism and integrated into religions and creation myths. This article delves into Aztec lunar myths, revealing the role of lunar deities and exploring the ritual practices associated with them. We will also consider the persistent legacy of these beliefs in our contemporary culture.


The mythological origins of the Moon among the Aztecs

The Aztec people have left behind a wealth of ancient sources and texts that tell fascinating legends. Among these legends, that of the creation of the Moon occupies a prominent place, often intertwining with tales of the origins of the world. By comparing these myths with other lunar mythologies, we can observe common motifs and fascinating singularities.

Lunar deities in Aztec mythology

Coyolxauhqui - the Moon goddess

One of the most emblematic figures linked to the Moon is the goddess Coyolxauhqui. She has a central place in Aztec mythology and iconography

### Coyolxauhqui's associations and symbolism

Coyolxauhqui was associated not only with the Moon itself, but also with night, the stars and transformation. Her story speaks to the universal themes of betrayal, conflict and reincarnation.

Other deities associated with the Moon

Although Coyolxauhqui is the most recognized of the Aztec lunar deities, there were other lesser-known figures who also played a role in the lunar pantheon.

Ritual practices and lunar phases

Calendar and agriculture

The Moon governed many aspects of Aztec life, particularly in agriculture, where its influence was integrated into the calendar to determine the best times for sowing and harvesting.

Lunar ceremonies and sacrifices

Specific rituals were dedicated to lunar phases, and a certain number of celebrations involved sacrifices and offerings to lunar deities.

Myths about eclipses and special lunar events

Eclipses, spectacular lunar events, were the subject of special myths and often aroused both fear and admiration.

The influence of the Moon on daily life and Aztec society

Lunar superstitions were numerous and reflected the importance that the Aztec people attached to lunar cycles.

The Moon in Aztec warfare and military strategy

The Moon's influence on military strategy is less well known but no less significant . Nights of full moon or new moon could determine the organization of assaults or defenses.

The Moon in Aztec art and architecture

Representations of the Moon in art and architecture bear witness to the admiration and respect the Aztecs held for it.

Comparison with the Moon in contemporary culture

Survival of Aztec lunar myths in modern culture

Despite the centuries, Aztec lunar stories and symbols continue to inspire and manifest themselves in various aspects of our current culture.

The Moon in New Aztec spirituality and culture

The revival of Aztec spirituality and traditions shows a renewed interest in the old lunar myths and their contemporary interpretation.

The media, whether literature, film or art, often take up lunar images and stories to captivate and inspire a new audience.


Summary of points covered

This article has traversed the lunar beliefs and myths of the Aztec civilization, highlighting their complexity and richness.

Importance of the Moon in the Aztec cultural and spiritual context

It is clear that the Moon held a crucial place in Aztec life and spirituality, reflecting their deep understanding of the cosmos and of their own lives.

Prospects for future research

The study of Aztec lunar myths is far from closed, and many avenues of research remain open to better understand this fascinating facet of human history.


From academic books to online resources, a vast array of materials continues to illuminate the mystery of ancient Aztec lunar traditions. Translated ancient texts also offer valuable insights for enthusiasts and researchers alike.