
Bragi, the god of poetry and eloquence: His inspiration and creativity

Once upon a time, in the heart of the glittering world of the Nordic gods, there was a being whose voice could charm the heavens and whose words resonated with the wisdom of the ages. This magical being was Bragi, the bard's bard, skaldic god par excellence. In Norse mythology, he occupies a central role as eloquent storyteller, divine poet and ambassador of creative inspiration. This article sheds light on the mysteries surrounding Bragi, highlighting his immortal contribution to poetry and eloquence.


Bragi's mythological background

Bragi's origins in Norse mythology

Bragi was born among the Aesir as the son of Odin, father of all, or according to other sources, he himself was transformed into a god after a life as an illustrious skald. His family ties, notably with his wife Idunn, goddess of eternal youth, paint the picture of a richly interconnected pantheon .

Bragi in mythology: Stories and sources

The wise old poet is best known through the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda, collections of poems and stories preserving Nordic mythology. Moving among the gods, Bragi is often seen dispensing his advice and charming the assembly with his verses.

Bragi as a symbol of poetry

Representation and attributes

Bragi is traditionally depicted with a long and impressive beard, engraved with runes that would symbolize his poetic talents. He also wears a harp, the tool of his skald trade, emblematic of his mastery of the art of words.

Bragi's tools: Instrumentation in mythology

The harp and lyre are Bragi's inseparable companions, instruments that help him weave poems as intricate as the patterns of Norse embroidery .

  • Musical symbolism: music and poetry are inseparable in many cultures, and Bragi uses his vibrating strings to evoke images as vivid as a painting.

Bragi's inspiration: The muse of the skaldes

Bragi's influence on Scandinavian poetry

The skaldes, Viking bards, were inspired by Bragi to compose their epic poems and sagas. They regarded the god as their protector and the source of immeasurable poetic talent.

  • Some texts, such as the "Skáldskaparmál", are directly linked to Bragi and illustrate his influence on Nordic poetic art.

The myth of poetic mead

This divine nectar created from the blood of the sage Kvasir is closely associated with Bragi. It is said to confer on its drinker a superhuman poetic talent, illustrating the deep connection between mead, Bragi and the vocation of the skald.

Bragi and his contribution to eloquence

The power of words in Nordic tradition

In ancient Nordic times, a well-constructed speech was a source of great respectability. Bragi embodied this fundamental value, guiding mortals and immortals through the complexities of talk and well-told stories.

Teachings and heritage

Bragi conveys the importance of perpetuating oral tradition and highlights the virtues of the spoken word. His legacy underlines the power of words to educate, entertain and inspire across generations.

Bragi in contemporary culture

Bragi in modern art and literature

Paintings, poems, music and even video games pay tribute to this ancient god, proving that his influence extends far beyond the Viking ages.

Bragi as an emblem of creativity

Bragi's spirit inspires today's artists, reminding us that the quest for beauty and truth through art is a flame that never goes out .


Bragi, with his harp and gentle words, continues to be an inspiring voice in the tapestry of mythology and cultural history. It is through his stories and lessons that we perpetually rediscover the essence of poetic inspiration.


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Mots-clés à inclure pour le référencement

  • Bragi
  • Mythologie nordique
  • Poésie scandinave
  • Éloquence
  • Skaldes
  • Hydromel de la poésie
  • Inspiration
  • Créativité
  • Dieux nordiques
  • Culture nordique
  • Harpe
  • Art oratoire
  • Edda
  • Traditions orales nordiques