
Frigg, the queen of the gods and her wisdom: Her role in divine decisions and her maternal love

In the pantheon of Norse mythology, one goddess stands out for her influence and presence: Frigg. Queen of the gods and paragon of wisdom, she plays a central role in divine decisions and embodies maternal love in its most sacred form. In this article, we'd like to introduce you to the richness of Frigg's character, her impact on the cosmic order and her priceless cultural heritage.


Frigg's divine identity

Frigg is a maternal figurehead of matriarchal divinities, often compared to goddesses such as Hera in Greek mythology or Isis in Egyptian mythology. Her identity is shaped by a mythological heritage in which prophetic powers and the mastery of destinies play a key role .

  • The origins and genealogy of Frigg
  • The attributes and symbols associated with Frigg
  • Comparison with other matriarchal goddesses

Frigg, Queen of the Gods

In Scandinavian legends, Frigg stands as the celestial sovereign alongside Odin, sharing with him the arcana of divine government and presiding over the assemblies of the gods.

  • Her status in the Nordic pantheon
  • Relationship with Odin, king of the gods
  • Role in divine governance and the celestial Assemblies

The Wisdom of Frigg

The goddess Frigg is intimately linked to the concept of Wyrd, destiny, which she has the ability to know but never to reveal. She symbolizes divine wisdom, both in her knowledge and in her enigmatic silence.

  • Knowledge of fate and the Wyrd
  • Frigg's prophetic powers and divination
  • The secret of Frigg's discretion and silence

Her Role in Divine Decisions

As Queen, Frigg is often called upon to guide or intervene in divine and mortal affairs, infusing her wisdom into every crucial decision affecting the Norse gods and the human world.

  • Intervention in the affairs of gods and mortals
  • Influence on divine battles and politics
  • Frigg's exemplary legends of wisdom

Frigg's Maternal Love

At the heart of Frigg's veneration lies her role as an immeasurably loving mother. Her grief at the loss of Baldr evokes the universal power of maternal love transcending pain and death.

  • Frigg as mother of Baldr and other children
  • The legend of Baldr's death and Frigg's mourning
  • The parallel with themes of motherhood in other cultures

The worship of Frigg

The cult of Frigg, though less documented than that of other Nordic deities , is rich and full of ritual and iconographic heritage. The ancient and contemporary religious practices bear witness to the enduring veneration of Frigg.

  • Historical worship and ceremonies in her honor
  • Frigg in contemporary pagan practices
  • Artistic representations and their evolution


Frigg continues to fascinate and influence, in both the religious and cultural spheres. The legacy of the goddess Frigg is a living testament to the importance of matriarchal figures in our understanding of the divine and the role of women in Norse mythology and beyond.