
Jormungandr, the sea serpent that surrounds Midgard: Its role in the prophecy of Ragnarök

In the depths of the Norse sagas, a legendary creature as fascinating as it is frightening lurks: Jormungandr, the sea serpent. Wrapped around Midgard, the world of men, this gigantic monster awaits only a sign of Ragnarök to trigger the end of everything. Let's plunge together into the abyss of Norse mythology to discover Jormungandr's preponderant role in the pantheon of Norse myths and his place in the Norse prophecy of Ragnarök.

Jormungandr in Norse mythology

Origins and family

The birth of Jormungandr

  • The product of an unconventional union, Jormungandr is the child of Loki, the god of mischief, and the giantess Angrboda. Born in the mysterious lands of Jotunheim, the world of the giants, this sea serpent carries with him the secrets of his origins.

Jormungandr's parents: Loki and the giantess Angrboda

  • Jormungandr's divine ancestry contributes to his status as an extraordinary creature. Loki, known for his facetiousness and transformations, and Angrboda, have characteristics that are reflected in the powers of their offspring.

Notorious siblings: Fenrir and Hel

  • Jormungandr shares kinship with other outstanding figures of Norse mythology: Fenrir, the gigantic wolf, and Hel, mistress of the realm of the dead. Together, they form a formidable trio.

Description and powers

Jormungandr's size and shape

  • This gigantic snake is so large that it surrounds the entire earth, biting on its own tail. His presence is a constant reminder of the boundary between worlds.

Mythological abilities and attributes

  • Jormungandr holds the power to unleash cataclysmic tidal waves and symbolizes the destructive forces of nature. His very breath can poison the sky and the sea.

The sea serpent and Midgard

Jormungandr and the structure of the Norse cosmos

Midgard in the Norse universe

  • Midgard is the home of mankind and is protected by this immense aquatic creature. Midgard occupies a central place in the Nordic universe, being encircled by Jormungandr.

Jormungandr's role in cosmic balance

  • The serpent represents not only a potential threat, but also an essential element of balance. Its presence paradoxically ensures the stability of the world.

Symbolism of Jormungandr

Jormungandr as a representation of the ocean that surrounds Midgard

  • This sea monster is the incarnation of the infinite ocean, often mentioned in mythological epics. It evokes the unknown and the mysteries of the deep.

Themes of eternity and renewal

  • By biting its tail, Jormungandr forms the Ouroboros, a powerful symbol of eternity and the incessant cycle of life, death and renewal.

Ragnarök and the fate of Jormungandr

The prophecy of Ragnarök

Definition and meaning of Ragnarök

  • Ragnarök, often called the twilight of the gods, is the end and renewal of the world. It is a series of catastrophic events followed by rebirth.

The harbingers of Ragnarök

  • The sagas speak of many omens: harsh winters, endless battles, and finally the liberation of Jormungandr from Midgard's grip.

Jormungandr's final battle

Jormungandr's adversary, Thor

  • The god of thunder, Thor, is destined to face the sea serpent in an apocalyptic battle. It's a confrontation foretold for centuries.

The course of the battle and its consequences

  • During their titanic battle, the forces of nature are unleashed, reflecting the brutality and intensity of Ragnarök.

Jormungandr's death and the symbolism of his fall

  • Jormungandr's fall marks the end of a cycle, but also the beginning of a new world. His legacy lives on as a warning and a promise.


Jormungandr, more than just a creature, is a pivot around which Norse mythology revolves. His crucial role in the prophecy of Ragnarök and in the stability of the cosmos reminds us that every end is followed by a new beginning . The epic of Jormungandr continues to inspire, demonstrating the indelible imprint of Viking culture and its myths on our modern society .