
The Hati and Skoll wolves: their role in the prophecy of Ragnarök

Norse mythology is rich in fascinating myths and prophecies. One of these, the Ragnarök, is a prophecy that foretells the end of the world. According to this prophecy, one of the key events at the end of time is the arrival of the wolves Hati and Skoll. In this article, we delve into Norse mythology to examine their importance in the Ragnarök prophecy.

Introducing Norse mythology

Before we talk about wolves and their role in the Ragnarök prophecy, it's important to take a quick look at Norse mythology itself- .

Norse mythology is one of the most fascinating of the world's ancient cultures. It stems from the ancient Germanic peoples who populated Scandinavia at the beginning of the Christian era. Among the Germanic peoples, the Scandinavians developed a highly sophisticated culture that included gods and goddesses, heroes, monsters and prophecies.

Introducing the Ragnarök prophecy

The Ragnarök prophecy is a prophecy that foretells the end of time. According to this prophecy, a series of apocalyptic events will occur, leading to the destruction of the world and the gods themselves. The six precursors to Ragnarök are all catastrophic events such as the earthquake, rising waters and famine.

The prophecy focuses mainly on the many battles between the gods and the giants, as well as the fate of some of these characters.

Focus on the wolves Hati and Skoll and their role in the prophecy

In the Ragnarök prophecy, the wolves Hati and Skoll play a key role . Both characters are hunters who relentlessly pursue their prey . Hati pursues the moon, while Skoll pursues the sun.

Hati, the wolf who pursues the moon

Origin and characteristics of Hati

Hati is a wolf whose mission is to pursue the moon in order to devour it. He is an impressively large character, even among the other monsters of Norse mythology. Hati is considered the biggest wolf of all time, which shows just how important he is in this prophecy.

Description of his mission in the Ragnarök prophecy

In the Ragnarök prophecy, Hati's mission is clear. He must chase the moon until he catches it and devours it. There is a symbolic importance to this mission, which we'll look at later in this article.

Hati's symbolic importance

Hati's mission in the Ragnarök prophecy represents several concepts. Firstly, Hati is a destructive force. Her mission to devour the moon represents the annihilation of cosmic order. What's more, Hati's relentless pursuit symbolizes the fact that no one is safe from this destruction: everyone must face the consequences of their actions.

Skoll, the wolf who pursues the sun

Skoll's origin and characteristics

Like Hati, Skoll is a wolf of impressive size. His mission is to relentlessly pursue the sun across the sky. This pursuit is considered a never-ending mission.

Description of his mission in the Ragnarök prophecy

Skoll's role in the Ragnarök prophecy is to pursue the sun until it is devoured. This mission is considered a key element of the prophecy, as the destruction of the sun marks an important milestone in the advent of Ragnarök.

Skoll's symbolic importance

Skoll's mission in the Ragnarök prophecy is rich in symbolism. The fact that he pursues the sun represents the end of the cycle of life. Indeed, the sun is associated with birth, growth and death. Skoll's relentless pursuit also represents a symbol of uncertainty, as no one knows exactly when the end will come.

Their role in the prophecy of Ragnarök

How Hati and Skoll contribute to the fulfillment of the prophecy

The wolves Hati and Skoll play an important role in the prophecy of Ragnarök. By pursuing the moon and sun, they contribute to the end of the cycle of life and the annihilation of the cosmic order. By devouring these key elements of the cosmic cycle, the wolves Hati and Skoll make possible the fulfillment of the prophecy.

Different interpretations of their role

There are several ways to interpret the role of Hati and Skoll in the Ragnarök prophecy. Some people believe they are evil characters, while others believe they are part of a natural and necessary cosmic cycle. Many other interpretations can be proposed, as Nordic mythology is open to a wide variety of interpretations.


In this article, we have examined the role of the wolves Hati and Skoll in the prophecy of the Ragnarök. We have seen how their relentless pursuit of the moon and sun contributes to the fulfillment of the prophecy. We have also examined the various symbols and interpretations linked to their mission.

Finally, it's important to note that Norse mythology contains many other interesting elements. In examining the importance of the wolves Hati and Skoll in the prophecy of Ragnarök, we have only scratched the surface of the teachings contained in this ancient culture.