
Hera's jealousy and vengeance

In the pantheon of Greek mythology, Hera is one of the most revered and complex deities. Wife of Zeus and goddess of marriage, she is often portrayed as both noble and jealous. This jealousy, frequently associated with acts of vengeance, forms an essential component of many ancient myths. This article explores the different facets of Hera's jealousy and vengeance, revealing the nuances of an often misunderstood character and offering an insight into her lasting impact on art and popular culture.


Hera, goddess of marriage and fidelity

  • Hera's role and attributions in Greek mythology
  • Hera and Zeus: a tumultuous marriage
  • Symbolism of fidelity in Greek antiquity

Manifestations of Hera's jealousy

Mythological accounts abound with situations where Hera's jealousy bursts into the open in response to Zeus's numerous infidelities.

  • Hera and Zeus' infidelities
  • Rivalry with Zeus' beloved mortals
  • Io and the metamorphosis into a heifer
  • Alcmene and the delayed birth of Heracles
  • Semele and the deadly ruse
  • Conflicts with Zeus' illegitimate children illegitimate children
  • Heracles and the twelve labors
  • Dionysus and Hera's madness

Hera's vengeance

Myths are replete with examples of heroes and mortals suffering the refined vengeance of the outraged goddess.

  • The example of heroes and demigods
  • Punishments inflicted on Heracles
  • Persecution of Dionysus
  • Punishment of rivals
  • Leto's quest to give birth to Apollo and Artemis
  • Callisto's transformation into a bear
  • Methods and motives of Hera's vengeances

Psychological and cultural interpretations

Hera's jealousy, often caricatured, invites deeper reflection on gender roles and attitudes towards women.

  • Jealousy in the psychology of myth
  • The impact on the image of women in mythology
  • Hera as a controversial feminist icon

Hera remains a muse for artists through the ages, influencing literature, painting, film and even comic books.

  • Artistic representations throughout history
  • Hera in modern fiction and popular culture


This article has surveyed the highs and lows of the Greek goddess, painting a portrait of Hera that goes far beyond the simple jealous goddess.

  • Synthesis of aspects of Hera's jealousy and vengeance
  • Hera: between admiration and reprobation
  • Contemporary resonances of Hera myths