
The adventures of Menelaus after the Trojan War

The Trojan War, the legendary confrontation that shook antiquity and whose echoes have been passed down through the ages in Greek mythology, remains a fascinating subject. At the heart of this conflict is Menelaus, King of Sparta, whose adventures after the fall of Troy deserve particular attention. In this article, we'll take you on a journey with this valiant king, to discover the pitfalls and tales that have forged Greece's literary and cultural heritage.


Leaving Troy

After the crushing victory over Troy, Menelaus does not immediately discover the way home. His departure from the devastated city is accompanied by challenges:

  • The conditions of departure evoke a capricious sea and irritated gods.
  • The consequences of war for Menelaus are heavy, both in terms of human losses and resources.
  • Helen of Sparta, his much-debated wife, becomes a symbol of redemption and reconciliation as they sail home.

Stopovers on Menelaus' journey

The return journey is punctuated by singular stopovers and adventures:

Stopover in Egypt

  • At the home of King Proteus, Menelaus encounters spells and an ambivalent welcome.
  • Eidotheus, the marine divinity, reveals to Menelaus the trials he must overcome to return to his native land.

Encounters with various peoples and islands

  • The vagaries of ancient navigation force our hero to face unforeseen maritime challenges.
  • Each port of call becomes an opportunity for lessons learned and knowledge gained, enriching the Homeric epic.

Divine interventions

The Greek pantheon does not fail to influence Menelaus' destiny:

The wrath of the gods

  • Aphrodite holds a nagging grudge against Menelaus because of the Trojan War.
  • Poseidon, the god of the seas, takes a malicious pleasure in disrupting the king's navigation.

Divine protections

  • Athena, with her wisdom, intervenes on Menelaus' behalf, guiding some of his choices.
  • Hermes, the messenger of the gods, gives him help and advice at the most critical moments.

Menelaus with the Phaeacians

The Phaeacians, famous for their hospitality, offer Menelaus refuge and the opportunity to recount his tribulations:

  • The generous hospitality of the Phaeacians provides a haven of respite.
  • In front of Alkinoos, King of the Phaeacians, Menelaus recounts the adventures of his odyssey.

The return to Sparta

Finally, the long-awaited return to Sparta is accompanied by moments of intense joy :

  • The reunion with Helen marks the end of an era of suffering and the beginning of a new beginning.
  • The governance and twilight of Menelaus' life suggest a calmer reign after so much tumult.

Menelaus' legacy

Menelaus leaves a lasting imprint:

  • His figure stands out in mythology as an example of perseverance and bravery.
  • Historical and literary perspectives offer a rich angle of analysis of his journey.


Reflecting on Menelaus' journey and the importance of his adventures post- Troy in Greek mythology reaffirms the central role of these stories. They are not mere stories; they are the foundations of a heritage that continues to inspire and teach, generation after generation.