
The exploits of Bellerophon and the winged horse Pegasus

The world of Greek mythology abounds in heroic figures whose epic adventures have shaped centuries of classical tradition. Belerephon, in particular, remains one of the most vibrant icons of this ancient mythology, whose exploits with the winged horse Pegasus continue to captivate our imaginations. Bellerophon's association with Pegasus, the graceful and powerful divine horse, highlights an inseparable duo and their memorable heroic quest.

Birth of heroes

The legend of Belerephon

Belerephon, born of the embrace between the mortal Glaukos and the goddess Eurymede, inherits a destiny that embraces both the earthly and the divine. Bellerophon's youth is marked by his exceptional nobility and courage , paving the way for countless mythological adventures.

Pegasus, the celestial horse

Pegasus takes flight as a celestial creature, sprung from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa when she is beheaded by the great Heracles. Before his encounter with Belerephon, Pegasus enjoys his freedom in the sky of Olympus, winning the favor of the gods.

Belerephon's ascent

Pegasus' quest

Capturing Pegasus is a formidable undertaking, and it is thanks to Athena's divine intervention that Belerephon succeeds in taming this majestic horse. The goddess gives him a golden bridle, symbolizing the gods' blessing on their bond.

On the road to becoming a hero

At the court of King Proetos, Bellerophon's troubles begin, leading him to forced exile. However, it is in this exile that Bellerophon finds his true heroic calling.

Bellerophon's major exploits

Triumph over the Chimera

Of all the challenges, facing the Chimera remains the pinnacle of Bellerophon's career. This nightmarish creature - lions, goats and snakes amalgamated - falls to Bellerophon and Pegasus, cementing their renown.

Battles against the Amazons and Lycian enemies

Not content with his victory over the Chimera, Bellerophon also earns himself a reputation thanks to his victories against the fierce warrior women of the Amazons and during conflicts in the Lycian region.

Boldness in the face of the gods

Bellerophon, however, reaches the point of megalomania when he attempts to join the gods on Olympus. His fall is as swift as his ascent, signifying the tragic end of his heroic journey, while Pegasus continues to fly to celestial heights.

The cultural heritage

The symbolism of Bellerophon and Pegasus

The story of Bellerophon and Pegasus is not limited to their adventures: they develop a dense symbolism in which Bellerophon often represents heroism mortal, while Pegasus becomes the emanation of the free and inspiring spirit.

Their place in mythology and influence today

These allegorical figures have spanned the ages, from the classical tradition to the present day, finding a significant place for them in literary inspirations and in popular culture, expressed through a variety of media.


The tales of Bellerophon and Pegasus remain embedded in cultural memory, because of their universal relevance and their ability to symbolize the deepest aspects of the human quest. Their influence on mythology is indelible, and their legacy continues to inspire today's generations.