
Achilles' exploits and tragic fate

The myth of Achilles is one of the most famous in Greek mythology, embodying the ancient hero par excellence. An outstanding warrior whose name evokes both glory and vulnerability, he remains a central figure in the Homeric epic, and is deeply rooted in our cultural heritage. This article will paint a portrait of Achilles, exploring his legendary exploits and the tragic fate prophesied for him.


Achilles' youth

Birth and divine origins

  • Son of Thetis and Peleus
  • Immersion in the River Styx

Achilles was born of the union between the sea goddess Thetis and the mortal Peleus. His mother, seeking to make him immortal, immerses him in the Styx. However, she holds him by the heel, leaving him vulnerable, giving rise to the famous concept of "Achilles' heel".

Training and education

  • The teaching of the centaur Chiron
  • Predictions about his destiny

Entrusted to the wise centaur Chiron, Achilles receives a complete education, combining the arts of war and knowledge. He grows up under the auspices of prophecies foretelling his fame and premature demise.

Achilles in the Trojan War

Reasons for his participation

  • Honor and glory
  • Tyndare's oath

Driven by the quest for eternal glory, Achilles joins the conflict of the Trojan War . He is also bound by the oath of Tyndare, which commits Helen's suitors to defend her choice of marriage.

Battlefield exploits

  • The fight against Hector
  • Other notable feats of arms

Of his many exploits, his duel with Hector remains the most epic, tinged with a mixture of skill and brutality. His journey is marked by numerous victories, cementing his reputation as an invincible warrior.

Relationships with other heroes

  • Friendship with Patroclus
  • Conflicts with Agamemnon

Beyond his martial prowess, Achilles is renowned for his deep bond with Patroclus, his friend and possible lover, who plays a crucial role in his journey. Tensions with Agamemnon, king of the Greeks, highlight his impetuous and fiercely independent character traits.

Achilles' heel and vulnerability

The term "Achilles' heel" transcends the framework of mythology to symbolize a flaw, a fatal vulnerability. Although endowed with superhuman strength, this weak spot becomes the harbinger of his end.

Achilles' death and tragic destiny

Achilles' death

  • Paris' arrow
  • Prophecy fulfilled

Death strikes Achilles when Paris' arrow, guided by Apollo, hits his vulnerable heel. This fateful blow fulfilled the prophecy that he would perish young, in full glory.

Legacy and posthumous cult

  • Funeral games and burial
  • Cultural influence down the ages

Heroes pay tribute to Achilles with grandiose funeral games. His influence endures throughout history, from Hellenistic culture to modern times, permeating literary, artistic and philosophical works.


We have revisited the legendary journey of Achilles, from his presumed youth to his tragic end. This duality between unrivalled strength and inevitable mortality remains one of the most fascinating in Greek mythology.

