
The Paris judgments and the glittering apple of discord

In the meanders of Greek mythology, fascinating stories tint the collective imagination with epic tales and divine plots. At the heart of such a rich narrative lies the myth of the Judgment of Paris, the founding enigma that ignited the tragic fuse of the famous Trojan War. The apple of discord becomes the emblem of celestial quarrels, a fruit charged with mythological symbolism.


Origins of the myth

Ancient literary sources

The world of ancient literature abounds with references to this story.

  • The Iliad and the Homeric epics** , containing the seeds of the passions and heartbreaks to come, suggest the complexity of divine acts.

  • The contributions of Greek dramatists and storytellers enrich this framework, fleshing out the psychological characteristics of the protagonists.

Historical and geographical context

Rooted in the topographical and historical reality of ancient Troy, the legend draws on the truth of the cities to soar into the realm of myth.

The main characters

  • Paris , prince of Troy, renowned for his beauty, becomes the unfortunate arbiter of a divine competition with catastrophic consequences.

Hera , Athena and Aphrodite embody the competing goddesses, each aspiring to be crowned the most beautiful.

  • Zeus , the king of the gods, pulls the strings of fate, throwing the weight of a divine decision onto Paris.

The divine contest

The wedding feast and the role of Eris

A divine wedding provides the perfect backdrop for the introduction of Eris , goddess of discord, who, uninvited, decides to stir up trouble by throwing a golden apple inscribed with "to the most beautiful".

Description of the judgment

Three goddesses, three supplicants, a single apple - the stage is set for a judgment in which each deity competes to seduce the mortal judge.

The three goddesses' offers

  • Hera promises power and royalty;
  • Athena offers wisdom and warrior skill;
  • Aphrodite seduces with the most beautiful of women as her wife, in this case Helen of Sparta.

Consequences of Paris' choice

Aphrodite's promise

Paris, seduced, grants the apple to Aphrodite , a choice that seals her fate and that of her city.

The wrath of Hera and Athena

As a result, the frustration of Hera and Athena falls upon Troy, and they become the city's enemies.

The outbreak of the Trojan War

Helen's abduction marks the beginning of the Trojan War , a bloody conflict that has been sung throughout the ages.

Interpretations and symbolism

Symbolic analysis of the apple of discord

Beyond its apparent superficiality, the apple embodies temptation, rivalry, and the fragmentation of alliances.

Judgments of Paris through the ages

Each era reinterprets the myth, reflecting its own quarrels and aspirations.

Cultural and artistic impacts

The resonance of this legend extends to works of art as well as theatrical performances, proving its indelible influence over time.

Contemporary resonances

Use in modern works

The plot of Paris is finding new life in the cinematographic, literary and even videogame productions of the contemporary era.

Lessons and morals of the myth today

This ancestral story continues to teach us the danger of impulsive choices fraught with consequences.

The turn of phrase has become a common expression illustrating any object or situation that sows discord and envy.


Mythology is not just a collection of fantastic tales; it is a mirror, a reflection of our societies. The study of the Judgment of Paris remains essential to understanding the emotional and ethical underpinnings that have shaped ancient culture. Still relevant today, the myth continues to be a richly introspective subject for future generations.


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Tables and artistic representations of the Judgment of Paris

(Insert visual resources relating to the subject)

Local or lesser-known variants of the myth

(Present divergent versions, bringing local color or a different angle to the legend)

Keywords integrated for referencing : - Judgment of Paris - Apple of discord - Greek mythology - Trojan War - Paris Troy - Aphrodite - Hera - Athena - Eris - Zeus - Ancient literature - Symbol mythological - Hellenistic culture - Cultural influence - Artistic interpretation