
The tricks and escapades of Hermes, the messenger of the gods

Hermes occupies a special place in the dazzling Greek pantheon. A god of many talents, he charms with his vivacity and ingenious wit. This winged messenger, whose tricks and escapades are as famous as his caduceus, has a rich history that has spanned the ages right up to the present day. This article explores in detail the mischievous traits of this emblematic character of Greek mythology, as well as understanding the impact and perpetuation of his myth in our contemporary culture.


Hermes' legendary tricks

Birth and first tricks

  • The invention of the lyre from a tortoise shell From his very first day of life, Hermes demonstrated his cunning by creating the lyre, a musical instrument, from a tortoise shell and diverted cow tendons.

  • Theft of Apollo's herd In an act of mischief and bravery, young Hermes steals the precious cattle of Apollo, the Sun God, reversing their hooves to conceal the direction of his escape.

Hermes as a cunning intermediary

  • His role in the abduction of Persephone Hermes plays a crucial role in the negotiations between Hades and the other gods during the abduction of Persephone, using his cunning to facilitate a compromise.

  • Mediation and manipulation in conflicts between gods As ambassador of the Olympians, Hermes often eased divine tensions with his quick wit and talent for diplomacy.

Hermes' extraordinary escapades

Messenger of the gods

  • Travels between the world of the gods and that of men Hermes is famous for nimbly traversing the heavens, the terrestrial world and even the underworld to deliver divine messages.

  • Delivery of divine messages and earthly interventions From his flights in the service of the gods to his sometimes mischievous interventions in mortal affairs, Hermes is the living bridge between the divine and the human.

Guide of souls to the afterlife

  • His role as psychopomp As guide of souls, Hermes convoys the spirits of the deceased to the afterlife, ensuring the passage between life and death with compassion and cunning.

  • Numerous narrative myths illustrate these sacred journeys, highlighting his benevolent character towards wandering souls.

Hermes in literature and art

Representation of Hermes in ancient texts

  • References in the Iliad and Odyssey Hermes' presence is palpable in the Homeric epics, where he frequently acts as a key character, facilitating events and encounters.

  • Other ancient literary works citing Hermes The messenger god inspired numerous ancient authors, from Hesiod to Ovid, consolidating his central role in mythological traditions.

Iconography of Hermes through the ages

  • Statues and artistic representations of Hermes Sculptures and frescoes abound, often depicting him with his classic attributes: the petasus (traveler's hat), the caduceus and sometimes wings on his feet.

  • Hermes in modern and contemporary art** The influence of Hermes and the symbols associated with him continue to inspire artists, constantly reinterpreting this multifaceted god.

Hermes' legacy and cultural influence

The cult of Hermes in antiquity

The worship of Hermes was prominent in antiquity, visible in the festivals, rites and monuments dedicated to him.

  • Hermes in modern literature and fiction From fantasy to historical fiction, Hermes continues to fascinate minds and influence modern narratives.

  • Hermes' iconography, such as the caduceus and winged figure, is embedded in contemporary society, influencing luxury brands, organizations and even medical terminology.


Hermes' adventures and tricks still capture the collective imagination ; his cunning wit and role as messenger of the gods and guide to souls remain an inexhaustible source of inspiration for culture, literature and art. A link between the divine and the mundane, Hermes symbolizes communication, ingenuity and travel, traits venerated then and now.


The documentation on Hermes is vast and accessible for those wishing to extend their discovery of this fascinating character. From classic texts to modern analyses, the myth of Hermes continues to arouse curiosity and admiration. To deepen your knowledge, we recommend that you consult reference works on Greek mythology and specialized studies on the ancient cult and its legacy in today's society.