
The creation of animals by Prometheus and Epimetheus

Greek mythology is a treasure trove of epic tales, heroic characters and timeless life lessons. Its richness has had a profound influence on Western culture, past and present. Among its many fascinating stories, that of the creation of animals by two Titans brothers, Prometheus and Epimetheus, stands out for its symbols and teachings. In this article, we'll delve into this captivating mythological tale, explore its symbolism and understand its cultural and philosophical influence right up to the present day.

Mythological background

Prometheus and Epimetheus come from a fascinating divine lineage, that of the Titans, the immense primordial forces that preceded the Olympian gods. At the heart of Greek divine genealogy, their ancestry is none other than that of strength and creative power.

Prometheus, whose name means "he who thinks before", is frequently recognized for his wisdom and foresight. This myth also reveals him as a defender of humanity, defying the gods for the good of mortals. His brother, Epimetheus, "the one who thinks afterwards", embodies short-sightedness. The dynamism between these two characters has profound implications for mythology and for the interpretation of the myth we are about to explore.

The myth of the creation of animals

The role of the brothers in the pantheon of Greek myths takes on a particular magnitude when they are entrusted with the responsibility of distributing qualities to animals. The creation of the world's fauna was entrusted to them by the gods, in a game of balance where each attribute had to bring perfect harmony to the world.

  • The distribution of qualities**

Epimetheus took the initiative to begin this colossal task. He distributed strength, speed, wings and scales, all characteristics that made up the diversity of the animal kingdom. His generous but imprudent approach quickly exhausted the reservoir of available qualities.

  • Epimetheus' mistakes**

In the face of his potential mistakes, the consequences were obvious - some animals were equipped to be dominant predators, while others remained vulnerable and defenseless.

  • The intervention of Prometheus**

Prometheus, observing the emerging imbalance, took matters into his own hands. Taking care to create man from clay, he endowed him with that most divine of qualities, the intellect. Thanks to his wisdom, the balance of nature was restored, enabling man to survive and prosper despite his apparent lack of physical qualities compared to other creatures.

Symbolism and interpretation

The story of Prometheus and Epimetheus goes beyond mere anecdote to become a powerful symbol. It transcends history to question prudence and improvidence, two traits intimately linked to the human condition.

  • The personalization of these virtues and defects makes the myth part of a broader reflection on the nature of humanity and its complex relationship with animality. Man, projecting his own values onto the story, discovers himself through the actions and choices of the two Titans.

Posterity of the myth

The artistic posterity of the myth is rich in diversified representations, ranging from metaphors in works of art to the inspiration it provides in ancient and modern literature.

  • Artistic representations**

Painters and sculptors, inspired by this myth, have created works that reflect both the majesty and complexity of the brothers' actions. Each of these representations embodies the essence of the teachings that this myth has to offer.

  • Moral and philosophical lessons

The lessons drawn from this tale go beyond the boundaries of the imaginary to make their way into our understanding of sociology and philosophy.

  • Contemporary cultural influences could be seen in fields as diverse as ecology, animal ethics, and our constantly evolving perception of the relationship between humans and nature.


Returning to the surface after this fascinating journey into the depths of the myth of Prometheus and Epimetheus, we summarize the key points of this mythological tale. The lessons of prudence and short-sightedness embodied by the Titans still resonate in our Western culture.

Invited to ponder the significance of these stories, we are encouraged to explore Greek mythology more deeply and recognize its enduring impact on collective wisdom and ancient philosophy. The figures of Prometheus and Epimetheus, and their work in creating animals, continue to inspire, educate and amaze.