
The founding of Thebes by Cadmos and the dragon myth

Let's plunge together into the fascinating mysteries of Greek mythology through one of the most fascinating episodes of antiquity: the founding of Thebes. A mythical and imposing city, Thebes remains a powerful symbol of Greek civilization, its echoes still resonating in our collective imagination. At the heart of this epic is the figure of Cadmos, the enigmatic hero and Phoenician prince whose exploits and tribulations are recounted in legend.


Mythological background

  • Greek mythology and its founding heroes
  • Placing Cadmos in the mythological genealogy
  • Significance of Thebes in the ancient world

Ancient Greece was littered with tales extolling the exploits of its **founding heroes , from Perseus building Mycenae to Aegeus giving its name to the sea Aegean. Cadmos, often less sung but just as significant, takes root in the hollow of this divine genealogy, son of Agenor and brother of Europa. Thebes, established in the heart of the Boeotian region, would become the epicenter of a rich mythological fabric and would find a place of choice in ancient history.

Cadmos: The Phoenician Prince

  • Origins and quest of Cadmos
  • Cadmos and Orphism
  • Symbolism of the founding of a city

Cadmos' adventure begins with a quest: to find his sister Europa, kidnapped by Zeus. This journey takes him far from his native Phoenicia, to unknown lands , which will be the scene of his destiny as founder. Associated with orphism, a mystical movement, he will bring to Thebes a strong spiritual dimension . For Cadmos, and for the Greek world as a whole, founding a city represented the foundation of a civilization, the creation of order in the natural chaos .

The founding of Thebes

  • Cadmos' arrival in Boeotia
  • The Delphic oracle and the sacred cow
  • Building the walls of Thebes
  • Architectural and town-planning aspects of ancient Thebes

Guided by the oracle of Delphi , Cadmos follows a sacred cow which, collapsing from exhaustion, shows him the site for his city. The construction of Thebes was marked by innovations and architectural marvels, making the city a reflection of ancient urban planning prowess.

The Dragon Myth

  • The dragon and its cultural significance
  • The confrontation between Cadmos and the dragon
  • The birth of the Spartans from the dragon's teeth

The mythological dragon occupies a prominent place in the cultures of the world, symbolizing primitive force and chaos. Legend has it that Cadmos, confronting such a monster, defeated the dragon guardian of the Ares spring and sowed its teeth, giving life to the Spartes , warriors born of the earth.

Cultural and symbolic heritage

  • Interpretations of the myth
  • Influence of the myth in art and literature
  • Contemporary resonance of the myth of Cadmos and the dragon

The story of Cadmos transcends time; it inspires artists and writers with its universal themes of adventure, creation and transformation. interpretations flourish, from Greek tragedy to modern adaptations , exploring the contemporary resonances of the myth in our understanding of the world.


Synthesizing the deeds of Cadmos, the legend of Thebes offers us a sumptuous vision of history and Hellenistic culture. This heritage, both architectural and symbolic, will continue to inspire us to search for the origins of our culture and to understand the significance of the great ancient myths.


  • Ancient sources
  • Modern works and analyses

To enrich our journey into mythology, the writings of Hesiod and Homer's , not forgetting the work of contemporary historians, offer a multitude of invaluable perspectives for apprehending the richness of these ancient legends.


If necessary, this section could include additional iconographic material, maps of ancient Thebes or other elements to help us dive into the depths of Cadmos' epic and its indelible impact on Greek civilization.

Tales of the foundation of Thebes by Cadmos are interwoven with the fascinating story of the myths and legends of ancient Greece, forever imbuing our imagination and cultural heritage.