
Jason and Medea's story of love and betrayal

When it comes to the fascinating tales of Greek mythology, the duo of Jason and Medea stand out like a beacon for the complexity of human relationships transposed into the sphere of gods and heroes. From fervent love to the darkest betrayal, their story reveals a panorama of human and divine passions. Their myth is much more than just a legend; it's a richly instructive work that has spanned the ages and continues to inspire modern culture.


The origins of the protagonists


  • His rocky childhood is the prelude to an epic quest, set against the backdrop of a usurping uncle.
  • The promise of an extraordinary destiny and the epic quest for the Golden Fleece begin.


  • The mysterious witch of Colchis sets the scene for a fateful encounter.
  • Her encounter with Jason, a divinely orchestrated turning point.
  • Her magical gifts, between admiration and fear.

The love story

The beginning of love

  • The predestined shock of love at first sight that will change the course of their epic.
  • Medea, a powerful female figure, changes the course of Jason's quest.

The union and success

  • The ultimate reward: the Golden Fleece in their trembling hands.
  • Love sealed outside the walls of Colchis, a union with a taste of exile.

Betrayal and revenge

Jason and Creuse

  • Jason, prey to ambition, gives in to the sirens of infidelity.
  • A marriage of interest with Créuse, the aristocratic trap closes.

Medea's reaction

  • From consumed passion to untamed ire, the fall of an earthly goddess.
  • The flames of vengeance, a mythological excess. *

Interpretations of the myth

Medea, a tragic figure

  • Between compassion and terror, Medea's eternal dilemma is revealed.

Jason, hero or anti-hero

  • The controversial hero, between greatness and moral decay.

The myth and its variations

  • From poets' inkwells to modern screens, the reinvention of an immortal drama.

The contemporary resonance of the myth

  • The icon of female empowerment or destructive madness?

The universal themes of the myth

  • The infinite ballet of love and betrayal, the judgment of divine justice.

  • Medea and Jason, a mirror of our own moral and ethical dilemmas.


The tales of Greek mythology, set in the marble of ancient times, continue to beat to the rhythm of our contemporary pulses. Jason and Medea, beyond their ruin and glory, remind us that love, betrayal and the quest for justice are timeless facets of our human condition. Their myth, tragic and enchanting, still resonates with a powerful echo, shaping our cultural and emotional perception of love and its shadows.