
Anubis, the god of embalmers and his association with funeral rites: Embalming rituals and the practices of Anubis

Welcome to the mysterious world of ancient Egypt, where Anubis, the god of embalmers, reigns over funeral rites with a dark and sacred majesty. Let's discover together how this emblematic god shaped embalming practices and continues to influence our vision of death and the afterlife. Prepare to cross the Nile of history to meet the protector of the dead, Anubis, and explore his rituals saving souls for eternity.


Anubis: Origin and attributes

Embark on a journey through time to unveil the mythology of Anubis and his divine origins. As early as ancient frescoes, Anubis is depicted as a jackal-headed man, eternally guarding the domain of the dead.

Mythology of Anubis and his divine origins

In ancient legends, Anubis is the son of Nephthys and Set or of Osiris. His story is full of twists and turns, and his very birth is shrouded in the mystery of betrayal and passion.

Iconographic representations of Anubis

The iconography of Anubis often shows him carrying the scepter ouas, symbol of authority, and the flail nekhakha, relic of fertility, affirming his role in the cycle of life and death.

Anubis and his associations with death and the afterlife

Closely linked to darkness and the preparation of the soul, Anubis is the architect of mummification processes, ensuring the safe journey of the deceased to the afterlife in Ancient Egypt.

The embalming process and role of Anubis

Overview of embalming practices

The mummification process is rich and complex. It includes evisceration, desiccation and the ritual of bandaging, all designed to preserve the body for its eternal awakening.

The role of Anubis in embalming

Anubis , as god of embalmers , oversees each step, making the sacred. Priests wearing masks bearing his effigy maneuvered with divine precision.

Tools and symbols associated with Anubis

Among the sacred tools are brain hooks and ointments, each symbolizing the protection and purification that Anubis brings to the deceased .

Funeral rituals in ancient Egypt

Preparing the body

Preparing the body is not only physical but also spiritual, with amulets and magic formulas arranged meticulously to protect the traveler from the afterlife.

Magic formulas and incantations

The complex and vibrant Egyptian incantations invoke Anubis and the gods to frame the spirit and open the way to the afterlife.

The importance of rituals to ensure a good afterlife

Every detail of the rites is designed to ensure that the soul of the deceased is recognized and welcomed by Osiris in the afterlife.

Protecting the dead and the cult of Anubis

Anubis' role as guardian of the necropolis

Anubis not only prepares the dead, he also protects them, as the unshakeable guardian of the necropolis, against all evil.

The cult of Anubis among the living

Establishing his sanctuary in the lives of Egyptians, Anubis is worshipped during festivals and rites to secure his clemency and protection.

Temples and altars dedicated to Anubis

The Temple of Anubis constitutes a place of power where the faithful gather to pay homage and ask for his favor in existence and death.

Anubis in the contemporary funerary context

The enduring fascination with Anubis in modern culture

From films to comics, the figure of Anubis captures our imagination and animates our cultural conversations.

References to Anubis in contemporary art and pop culture

From modern statues to video game references, Anubis remains a recurring and powerful symbol in our contemporary artistic expression.

Anubis and the scientific study of mummification

Modern research continues to be inspired by Anubis, investigating the secrets of ancient embalmers to unlock forgotten secrets of human history .


Let's recapitulate the essence of Anubis , this fascinating god of embalmers who wove a golden web through Egyptian funerary practices. His legacy endures, transcending time, and his influence on our conception of death remains as mysterious as it is unshakeable. The next time you find yourself dazzled by the grandeur of Egypt's tombs, remember the vigilant of Anubis , present in every corridor where the echoes of eternity resound.