
Bastet, the lioness-headed goddess: Her role as patron goddess and her symbolism


Bastet is one of the major deities of Egyptian mythology. She is represented with the head of a lioness and embodies protective power. In this article, we will explore Bastet's role as a protective goddess, her symbolism and the continuing importance of her figure in contemporary culture.

Bastet's historical background

Bastet's origins can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where she was initially worshipped as a fierce lion goddess. Over time, her cult evolved to include more protective and benevolent aspects. Bastet became a popular deity and played an essential role in Egyptian history.

Bastet as protective goddess

Bastet's main role was to protect homes and families. She watched over homes and warded off the forces of evil. Moreover, Bastet was closely linked to maternity, offering protection to pregnant women and young mothers. Her benevolence was celebrated throughout the country.

Bastet was also considered the patron goddess of the pharaohs. She watched over them and protected them from potential dangers. Her image was often depicted in royal tombs and temples, symbolizing her divine protection.

Symbolism associated with Bastet

Bastet's lioness head has a powerful symbolic meaning. She represents her strength and ferocity, but also her ability to protect her followers. This symbol of feminine strength was highly venerated in ancient Egypt .

In addition to her lioness head, Bastet was associated with several other symbols. The lioness itself was a symbol of strength and ferocity, recalling Bastet's power. The basket and sistrum, often depicted alongside the goddess, were symbols of femininity and fertility, reinforcing the link between Bastet and the protection of pregnant women. Cats were also associated with Bastet, due to their role in protecting houses and hunting pests.

Bastet worship in ancient Egypt

Bastet was venerated throughout ancient Egypt, and numerous temples were dedicated to her. Bastet's main temple was at Bubastis, where priests and priestesses paid homage to the goddess in religious rituals. Offerings were made in her honor in the hope of obtaining her protection.

Religious practices associated with Bastet included ceremonies of dance and music, as well as solemn processions. These rituals were a way of thanking Bastet for her protection and strengthening the bonds between the goddess and her devotees.

Bastet's impact on contemporary culture

Bastet's popularity extends far beyond ancient Egypt. Her iconic figure is often depicted in modern art and literature, echoing her symbolism of feminine power. Bastet has found her place in many contemporary works of art, including paintings, sculptures and tattoos.

Bastet is also present in popular culture, with references to her figure in films, TV series and video games. Her symbol of protection and strength continues to inspire and fascinate today's generations.


In conclusion, Bastet is a major goddess of Egyptian mythology, known for her lioness-headed representation. Her role as protective goddess , her powerful symbolism and her impact on contemporary culture make her a central figure of feminine power. Bastet has been a venerated deity for millennia, and her importance continues to be felt in our modern world.