
Bastet, the feline goddess and protector of the home in Egyptian culture

In Egyptian mythology, many gods and goddesses play an important role in the daily lives of Egyptians. Among them, the goddess Bastet is recognized as the protector of the home. In this article, we explore her role in Egyptian culture, the domestic rituals associated with her cult, the monuments and temples dedicated to her, and the evolution of her cult over time.

Bastet and the protection of the home

Bastet is represented as a cat-headed woman or in her feline form . She is often associated with domestic cats, as the Egyptians considered them sacred animals. Bastet is a goddess worshipped by Egyptians since the Old Kingdom.

The cult of Bastet was very important to Egyptians, especially to protect their homes. The Egyptians believed that the goddess was able to ward off evil spirits that could cause harm to their families. Numerous rituals were performed to honor the goddess and to obtain her protection.

Domestic rituals

The cult of Bastet included several domestic rituals. Egyptians offered offerings and sacrifices to the goddess to show their gratitude and respect. They also sang and danced to honor the goddess.

Protective amulets

Egyptians also used amulets to protect their homes from the influence of evil spirits. Amulets were often copper, bronze or silver figurines of Bastet. The Egyptians believed that these amulets had the power to repel evil spirits that crept into homes.

Monuments and temples dedicated to Bastet

The cult of Bastet was celebrated in numerous monuments and temples. The most famous of these is the temple of Bastet at Bubastis, which was located in the Nile delta. The temple was erected during the Egyptian New Kingdom and was dedicated to the goddess Bastet.

The temple of Bastet at Bubastis

The temple of Bastet at Bubastis was an important place of pilgrimage for the Egyptians. Archaeological excavations have revealed that the temple was immense and featured statues of the goddess Bastet as well as rooms for ceremonies.

Other monuments and temples dedicated to Bastet

In addition to the temple at Bubastis, there were other monuments and temples dedicated to the goddess Bastet. For example, the temple of Isis-Bastet at Sebennytos was another important structure in Egyptian culture where Egyptians worshipped the goddess.

Evolution of the Bastet cult

Bastet is an ancient goddess who has evolved over time. Egyptians began worshipping her in the Old Kingdom, but her cult fluctuated throughout Egyptian history.

Origins of the feline goddess

Bastet's origins are uncertain, but historians believe that the goddess may have Libyan roots. She was also associated with several cat goddesses in Egyptian mythology, including Sekhmet, the lion goddess.

Changes in the cult of Bastet over time

The cult of Bastet has undergone several changes over the course of Egyptian history. During the New Kingdom, Bastet was closely associated with the di goddess Hathor, the goddess of love and fertility. Over time, the goddess was also venerated as an emblem of peace.


In short, Bastet is an important goddess in Egyptian mythology, particularly for the protection of the home. Domestic rituals, protective amulets, and temples and monuments dedicated to the goddess testify to her importance in the lives of the ancient Egyptians. The evolution of her cult also played a role in Egyptian history and had an influence on other religions and beliefs. As a result, the feline goddess will remain a key symbol of Egyptian culture for generations to come.