
Seth, the violent god of the Egyptian deserts

The god Set is one of the best-known deities of Egyptian mythology. He was considered the god of violence and discord, but also the protector of kings. In this article, we'll explore the different characteristics of Set, his connection with the Egyptian deserts and the various engravings and representations of Set in these landscapes.

Seth was the son of Geb, god of the earth, and Nut, goddess of the sky. He was often depicted with the body of a lion and the head of a man, with pointed ears and a long tail. His symbolic color was red, representing both blood and the setting sun.

In Egyptian mythology, Seth was considered an unstable and violent god. He was generally associated with destruction and discord, but he was also revered for his strength and courage. Despite his unpredictable character, Seth was of great importance in Egyptian culture, notably as the defender of kings and their kingdoms.

Egyptian deserts

Egyptian deserts are a central element of Egyptian culture. Most of the fertile land lies along the Nile, and the deserts occupy much of the remaining space. There are three main deserts in Egypt: the Libyan Desert to the west, the Arabian Desert to the east and the Sinai Desert to the northeast.

Deserts have always been seen as mystical and mysterious places. They are often associated with death, transformation and regeneration, and are considered places of meditation and prayer. Many Egyptian myths and legends are associated with deserts, including the stories of gods and goddesses who live in the burning sands.

Engravings and depictions of Set in desert landscapes

Egyptian deserts have been a place of representation of Set for many centuries. Engravings of Set in desert landscapes date back to the first Egyptian dynasty (c. 3150 BC) and are often associated with his role as protector of the pharaohs.

Engravings and representations of Set in Egyptian deserts are generally highly stylized and use traditional Egyptian symbols. In many engravings, Set is depicted with a spear or sword, symbolizing his aggressive nature. Other depictions show Set holding palms, which were a symbol of victory and triumph.

In addition to these physical representations, the Egyptian deserts have also been the setting for stories and legends associated with Set. In some of these stories, Set was seen as a powerful guardian and protector, while in others, he was seen as an aggressor and troublemaker.


Set was one of the most important gods in Egyptian mythology, and his link with the Egyptian deserts was strong. Deserts were considered to be sacred and mysterious places, and were used to represent Seth for centuries. Engravings and representations of Seth in the Egyptian deserts were stylized, using traditional Egyptian symbols to express the god's aggressive character. Ultimately, Seth and the Egyptian deserts were an essential part of Egyptian culture, testifying to the imagination and creativity of the ancient civilization.