
Geb, the god of the earth and his representation in Egyptian statuettes: Figurines and representations of Geb as the sustainer of the earth

In the rich pantheon of Egyptian mythology, few deities play as fundamental a role as Geb, the earth god. Worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, he not only represented the earth on which they walked, but also embodied aspects of fertility and power. This article delves into the study of Geb through the analysis of his mythological persona and his representation in the magnificent Egyptian craftsmanship, notably through the statuettes that continue to fascinate the modern world.


The god Geb in Egyptian mythology

Geb's identity and role

Geb in the Egyptian pantheon

Geb is often described as the son of Shu, the god of air, and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture. Let's travel through the eons to better understand his stature among the Egyptian gods.

Myths associated with Geb

The myths tell us of Geb swallowing up mortal bodies to transform and renew them in the form of plants and grains.

The symbolism of the earth and Geb

Geb was more than a simple incarnation of the soil; he was a metaphor for the prosperity and rebirth that flowed from this nourishing earth.

Geb's family relationships and their representations

A rich family pantheon of illustrious gods not only defines his divine genealogy but also traces the epic tales that have come down to us.

Representation of Geb in Egyptian art

Geb's iconography

Typical physical description of Geb

Often depicted reclining under the celestial vault of the goddess Nut, Geb is traditionally the bearer of aesthetic codes of power and fecundity of the earth.

Attributes associated with Geb's personality

Each symbol and attribute associated with Geb adds a further dimension to this illustrious mythical figure: .

Variations in representations through the ages

Ancient Egypt and the Middle Kingdom

Similar to geological strata, the art of representing Geb bears witness to the evolution and adaptation of the Egyptian people.

New Kingdom and later periods

Let's discover how Geb lived through the ages, adapting his face to beliefs and the needs of the faithful.

Comparisons with the representation of other gods

Geb, in the midst of the Egyptian gods, asserts his uniqueness while sharing common traits with other divine figures.

The statuettes of Geb

Materials and manufacturing techniques

Types of materials used

Stone, wood, bronze... the materials metamorphose in the image of the god they embody.

Manufacturing the figurines: craftsmanship and ritual

Behind each statuette lies ancestral know-how and a devotion that transcends time.

Uses of Geb statuettes

Religious and ritual role

These objects are not just works of art; they are the vectors of a deep connection between mortals and the divine.

Talismans or decorative objects

From the heart of temples to the simplicity of the home, Geb statuettes fulfil a multiplicity of functions.

Notable discoveries and collections

Examples of remarkable statuettes

The past has bequeathed us masterpieces in miniature, bearing witness to the ingenuity and piety of Egyptian craftsmen.

Places where they were discovered and their state of preservation

These relics, raised from the sands, have enriched collections worldwide , helping to unravel the mystery of Geb.

Geb as the sustainer of the earth

Geb in Egyptian cosmology

The earth as a physical and mystical element

For the Egyptians, the dichotomy between the material and the spiritual merges in the figure of Geb.

Geb and the stability of the world

Let's imprint in our minds the image of Geb as the foundation of the known and unknown world.

Theological and symbolic interpretations

Ancient texts and their meaning

Ancient scrolls and eroded stelae are the voices that tell the story of Geb, the foundation of the cosmos.

Geb and his cosmic role according to Egyptologists

Let's reconsider Geb through the prism of modern discoveries that shed light on his place in the Egyptian heavens.

Cultural impacts and historical legacy

Geb's influence on Egyptian society

Geb's presence extends far beyond sanctuaries; it permeates fields, rituals and everyday life.

Geb in religion and daily practice

Let's approach Geb's omnipresence in the customs and beliefs of those who built temples to him.

Reminiscences of Geb veneration in modern culture

Geb's hand continues to shape modern narratives and inspire contemporary artworks.


In summary, this journey through the deserts of time highlights the power of Geb not only as a tutelary deity, but also as a constant inspiration for creativity and the history of civilizations. Geb's figurations continue to reveal unexplored aspects of Egyptian culture, reminding us of the imperative of further study in this area .


  • The full list of sources will enrich the research by anchoring discussions in the bedrock of academic knowledge.

Keywords for referencing

  • Geb
  • Egyptian god of the earth
  • Egyptian statuettes
  • Representations of the god Geb
  • Egyptian art
  • Egyptian mythology
  • Egyptian figurines
  • Iconography of Geb
  • Egyptian cosmology
  • Egyptian art history
  • Ancient Egyptian culture
  • Ancient Egyptian religion