
Hathor, the goddess of love and beauty and her role in daily life: Her association with femininity and relationships

In the sands of time, at the heart of dazzling Egyptian mythology, shines the star of Hathor, goddess of love and beauty. In this article, we delve into the mysteries of this protective divinity, the beating heart of femininity and revealer of the secrets of relationships. We unveil her origins, her influence on the daily lives of the ancient Egyptians and her impressive posterity.


Hathor's origins and mythology

Hathor's historical roots

Hathor is an ancestral figure, and her cult goes back far beyond the dynastic period of ancient Egypt. Her origins are woven into the cradle of early beliefs.

Hathor in Egyptian mythology

Hathor is a divine crossroads, linked to Ra, Isis, and many others. She symbolizes celestial union and the matrix of life.

Major stories and legends

Hathor's adventures are numerous: her transformation into a lioness unleashed to protect Ra, or her tears that turn into symbols of eternity.

Representations and symbols of Hathor

This goddess can be recognized by her sistrum mirror, her cow's ears, and her serene face flanked by horns framing the solar disk.

Hathor and femininity

Hathor as a symbol of maternity and fertility

In the Egyptian pantheon, Hathor embodies maternity par excellence. She is the protector of mothers and the vital breath of fertility.

The cult of Hathor among Egyptian women

For women, Hathor was a beacon of guidance. Her temples were places to gather and share prayers and offerings, to honor their femininity.

Rituals and ceremonies in honor of Hathor

From sacred baths to dedicated songs, rituals in honor of Hathor celebrated life and nurtured the hope of maternal blessings.

Hathor and relationships

Hathor, goddess of love and marriage

Like Venus in Roman times, Hathor blessed unions, watched over conjugal love, and guided towards harmony of body and heart.

Hathor's influence on unions and sexuality

Sexuality, the pillar of human existence, was under the benevolent gaze of Hathor, ensuring the continuity and balance of family life.

Rituals to attract love and foster relationships

From whispered incantations to magical formulas, rituals to capture eternal affection were a promise orchestrated under the aegis of Hathor.

Hathor in the daily life of ancient Egyptians

Hathor's presence in arts and crafts

Hathor inspired artists, influenced temple architecture and imbued everyday objects with her grace.

Festivals and celebrations dedicated to Hathor

Festivals such as the "Beautiful Feast of the Valley" paid tribute to the joy that Hathor brought to the world.

Hathor and her protective role in society

In a society structured by natural cycles, Hathor watched over birth, death and human destiny.

Hathor's posterity in contemporary cultures

References to Hathor in modern culture

Even today, Hathor survives through artistic representations and maintains her place in popular narratives.

Legacy and influence in current spiritual practices

Discreet but present, Hathor's influence creeps into modern spiritual practices , and continues to echo in hearts in the search for love and harmony.


Hathor is not just a forgotten page of history. She's a living force who transcends the test of time, always offering her protection and her blessing on motherhood, love and beauty. In short, Hathor remains an indelible divine imprint in Egyptian mythology and in the world's cultural heritage.

References and bibliography

  • Hart, George. "The Routledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses." Routledge, 2005.
  • Pinch, Geraldine. "Handbook of Egyptian Mythology." ABC-CLIO, 2002.
  • Wilkinson, Richard H. "The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt." Thames & Hudson, 2003.

(Reliable and recognized books, articles and resources on Egyptology may complete this bibliography).