
Maât, the goddess of order and truth, and her association with justice: Egyptian laws and divine judgments

The goddess Ma'at is a central figure in Egyptian mythology and culture. A symbol of truth, justice and cosmic order, she was essential to the stability of society and the universe itself. This article delves deep into the relationship between Ma'at, the Egyptian deity, and the ancient Egyptian justice system.


We'll explore how this goddess has influenced not only justice but also divine laws and judgments. Let's discover together the many facets of Maât, and how her legacy lives on in contemporary thinking.

Maât: Definition and attributes

Etymology and meaning of the term Maât

Maât derives from the Egyptian root m3't , which evokes notions of fairness, truth and order.

Representation and symbols of Maât in Egyptian art

She is frequently depicted wearing an ostrich feather on her head, a symbol of truth.

Maât's role and functions in Egyptian mythology and religion

Maât regulates the stars, the seasons and the actions of men and gods, ensuring universal harmony.

Maât and cosmic order

Maât in the context of creation and universal order

According to Egyptian mythology, order was established at the very creation of the world.

The relationship between Maât and other Egyptian deities

Maât is often associated with deities such as Ra, the solar god, reigning over justice and order.

The concept of truth and balance in Egyptian cosmology

Truth and balance are the cornerstones of existence and stability, without which chaos would prevail.

The earthly manifestations of Ma'at

Ma'at and the Pharaoh: the royal duty to embody order

The Pharaoh, as son of Ma'at, had a duty to maintain and promote the Ma'attic order.

Ma'at's involvement in religious rites and daily obligations

Ma'at permeated the religious rites and guided the daily behavior of Egyptians.

The notion of Maât as a law and a principle of social life

The principle of Maât was anchored in the law, dictating which behaviors were acceptable and which were not.

Maât and Egyptian law

Legislative texts and reference to Maât

Legislative texts of the time bear witness to Maât's influence on Egyptian laws.

Examples of laws influenced by the concept of Maât

  • Protection of the poor and condemnation of deception were examples of laws guided by Maât.
  • Sentences handed down by judges were supposed to be in harmony with the principles of Ma'at.

Justice and the role of judges in spreading Ma'at

Egyptian judges acted as intermediaries between Ma'at and the people, ensuring the fairness of judicial decisions.

Divine judgments and the weighing of souls

The tribunal of the dead and the Book of the Dead

The Book of the Dead described the tribunal of the dead, presided over by Osiris, where Maât played a crucial role.

The ceremony of weighing the heart against Maât

During this ceremony, the heart of the deceased was weighed against the feather of Maât to judge its purity.

Consequences of non-compliance with Maât in the afterlife

Souls not respecting the principle of Maât were destined to be devoured by Ammit, a terrifying creature.

Maât in the contemporary social context

The legacy of the concept of Maât and its influence on modern thought

Maât continues to inspire justice and harmony in modern ethical thought.

Comparisons with other systems of justice and ethical philosophies

Compared with philosophies such as Confucianism, Maât transcends the Egyptian framework to touch on universal concepts of justice and morality.


Recapitulation of Maât's importance in Egyptian law and justice

The goddess Maât remains one of the fundamental pillars of the harmony to which the Egyptians aspired.

Appreciation of Maât's impact on Egyptian civilization and beyond

Her influence survives in the principles of justice and fairness today still.

The relevance of the concept of Ma'at in the modern world

Ma'at reminds us of the timeless importance of fairness and truth in our quest for a just society.


Appendices (if necessary)