
Nephthys, patron goddess of the dead: her role in funeral rites and the accompaniment of the deceased

Egyptian mythology is full of fascinating figures, and Nephthys is one of them. Known as the patron goddess of the dead, she watches over the deceased throughout their passage to the afterlife. In this article, we explore Nephthys' crucial role in funeral rites and her comforting presence for souls in transition.

Contextualization of Nephthys in Egyptian mythology

In ancient Egypt, the gods were seen as omnipresent life forces , influencing all aspects of daily life, and even more so in death. Nephthys, sister of Isis and wife of Set, is a central figure in these beliefs.

Overview of her representation and attributes

Nephthys is often depicted with specific attributes such as wings and hieroglyphs signifying her protective nature. She is sometimes depicted beside sarcophagi, watching over those who have passed on to the next world.

Importance of funeral rites in ancient Egypt

For the ancient Egyptians, death was not an end, but a transition to another existence. Funeral rites were therefore of paramount importance to ensure a peaceful and secure afterlife.

Origins and genealogy of Nephthys

Born of the celestial gods Geb and Nut, Nephthys was part of a powerful divine family including Osiris, Isis and Set.

Nephtys maintained complex relationships with other gods, oscillating between ally and adversary according to legend.

Distinction between Nephthys and Isis, her twin sister

Although often associated, Nephthys and Isis differ in their spheres of influence and roles in mythology.

Nephthys in Mythology and Cults

Myths involving Nephthys

  • The myth of Osiris Nephthys plays a crucial role in the resurrection of Osiris, symbolizing the cycle of death and rebirth.
  • Other legends Several other myths illustrate her various interventions and acts of protection.

Nephtys as a symbol of protection

Recognized for her protective nature, she is invoked to guard the dead against the dangers of the afterlife.

Worship and temples dedicated to Nephthys

Some temples in Egypt were centers of worship for Nephthys, where the faithful paid homage to the goddess and sought her blessing.

The Role of Nephthys in Funeral Rites

Funeral texts and accompanying formulas

These ancient writings often contain references to Nephthys, underlining her importance in afterlife rituals.

Nephtys as guide to the souls of the dead

She was seen as a guide who accompanied the souls of the deceased to their post-mortem destiny .

Specific rituals involving Nephtys

Many rituals invoked Nephtys for her protection and support in the passage from one world to another.

Nephtys and mummification practices

Protection of mummies by Nephtys

Mummification practices included prayers and incantations to Nephtys, asking the goddess to watch over the body of the deceased.

Incantations and magical formulas

Specific formulas mentioning Nephtys were believed to help protect and purify the souls of the dead.

Funerary objects linked to Nephthys

Certain objects placed in tombs were inscribed with the effigy of Nephthys, intended to offer additional protection.

Nephthys' legacy and posterity

Influence on later funerary practices

The influence of Nephthys and her rites extends far beyond the pharaonic era and has left its mark on later funerary practices.

Modern reinterpretations of Nephthys

In the modern world, Nephthys is sometimes reinterpreted through works of art, literature and cinema.

The figure of Nephthys continues to inspire and fascinate, finding her place in various contemporary media and popular cultures.


Recapitulating the role of Nephthys

The figure of Nephthys remains essential to understanding the complexity and beauty of ancient Egyptian funerary rites.

Impact on the collective imagination and Egyptian heritage

Nephthys has left an indelible mark on history, enriching our understanding of Egyptian cultural heritage.

Nephthys and her teachings

She continues to be a source of inspiration both for those interested in Egyptian mythology and for those seeking to understand the most mysterious aspects of life and death.