
Nut, the celestial goddess of ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt is fascinating. Its rich culture and mythology have captivated and fascinated the world for centuries. Egyptian mythology is populated by deities, each with their own role and importance in the religion. Among the many goddesses of Egyptian mythology, Nut is an important figure. In this article, we'll explore the role and aspects of the goddess Nut in Egyptian culture and mythology.


Nut, goddess of the sky

Her physical description

Nut is depicted as a woman lying on her back, arms and legs raised, as if she were covering the sky. She is often depicted with a dark-blue body and sprinkled with golden stars, symbolizing the constellations that populate the sky.

Her attributes and powers

Nut is the goddess of the sky, the night and the stars. She is the sister and wife of Geb, the god of Earth. Nut gives birth to the sun every morning and swallows it every evening.

She is also associated with protection, notably by protecting the dead on their journey to the afterlife.

Her role in Egyptian mythology

Nut is an important figure in Egyptian mythology. She is part of the first generation of gods and is considered the mother of many other gods and goddesses. According to legend, the god Ra, the Sun god, was born from her mouth every morning.

Nut's association with the maternal deity

The symbolism of motherhood in ancient Egypt

Motherhood had an important place in ancient Egyptian religion. The fertility was considered a crucial aspect of Egyptian society and religion.

The maternal aspects of Nut

As mother goddess, Nut is associated with fertility and birth. She is also depicted with a generous bosom, symbolizing food and protection for her children.

Artistic representations of Nut as a maternal goddess

Nut is often depicted holding a cornucopia, symbolizing food and fertility. She is also sometimes depicted breastfeeding her children.

Celestial symbols associated with Nut

The stars and the Milky Way

As a sky goddess, Nut is often associated with the stars and the Milky Way . The Egyptians believed that Nut encompassed the sky, and that the stars clung to her body shape.

Representations of Nut in Egyptian art

In Egyptian art, Nut is often depicted as an arched back in the shape of a dark blue semicircle, studded with stars. This representation is often seen in pharaohs' tombs and temples.

Nut is associated with several other celestial deities, including Horus, the falcon god of the sky, and Hathor, the goddess of love, fertility and beauty.

Rituals in honor of Nut

Religious festivals associated with the goddess

Several religious festivals are held in honor of Nut. Among them, the flood festival (Akhet) which took place every year and celebrated fertility.

Offerings and sacrifices made to Nut

Egyptians made various offerings to Nut, including pottery, jewelry, clay figurines and plant offerings.

Religious practices involving Nut

The Egyptians believed that Nut's protection was crucial to survival in the afterlife. They often mentioned Nut in their prayers and religious songs to guarantee her support.


Nut is an important goddess in Egyptian mythology. She is associated with fertility, maternity, protection and celestial symbols. She has been celebrated through festivals and sacrifices offered in her honor. Nut was a crucial figure in Egyptian religion and has remained a source of inspiration for artists, historians and lovers of Egyptian culture. Ongoing research into Nut and Egyptian mythology in general shows that her importance remains timeless.