
Sekhmet, the lioness goddess and her association with protection against disease: Protective amulets and prayers to Sekhmet

Egyptian mythology is rich in fascinating deities, each embodying powerful forces that shaped the lives and beliefs of the ancient world. Sekhmet, the lion goddess, is one of the most emblematic figures in the Egyptian pantheon, revered for her power and duality as a destructive and healing force. This article delves into the world of Sekhmet, exploring her myth, her cult and her protective role against disease through the use of specific amulets and prayers.


Myth and origins of Sekhmet

The story of Sekhmet begins with her astonishing creation, often recounted at through vibrant mythic tales. She was worshipped as the goddess of war and destruction, but also as a healer capable of warding off disease. Sekhmet represents a captivating duality - a source of awe and respect, highlighting the ancient Egyptian recognition of the complexity of life and nature.

Sekhmet worship and healing practices

Centers dedicated to the veneration of Sekhmet were places of great respect, where the faithful gathered to honor the goddess and seek her protection. Priests and priestesses played a vital role, acting as intermediaries between the divinity and her devotees. Through ceremonies and rituals, Sekhmet was invoked to grant healing and protect against plagues and diseases.

Protective amulets bearing the effigy of Sekhmet

  • Signification of amulets: These objects were more than mere ornaments; their purpose was to offer Sekhmet's protection to the wearer.
  • Amulet materials and designs** : Meticulous craftsmanship led to the creation of amulets from a variety of materials, each chosen for its specific properties.
  • Use of amulets**: Worn daily or during ritual practices, these amulets enabled ancient Egyptians to feel under the protection of the powerful goddess.

Prayers and magical formulas addressed to Sekhmet

Discovering ancient inscriptions offers a window onto the prayers and incantations that were addressed to Sekhmet. These texts were pronounced with great reverence and were believed to have powerful effects for personal protection and the healing of illnesses.

Cultural impact and continuity of Sekhmet veneration

Beyond ancient medical practices, the image of Sekhmet has permeated Egyptian art and literature, and continues to resonate in modern veneration. The appeal of this lioness goddess is still felt today, manifesting itself in neo-pagan cultures and among those who seek to understand the mysteries of the past.


Sekhmet remains a powerful symbol of protection and healing. As ancient practices give way to modern understanding, the fascination with Sekhmet, the lion goddess, continues to inspire us to explore the links between past and present. The continuity of her cult testifies to the resilience of these ancient beliefs, affirming their place in our collective imagination and cultural practices across the centuries.


(lst) **Endnotes containing references or further reading **