
Sekhmet, the Lion Goddess and Her Representation in Egyptian Temples: Her Role in War and Protection

Sekhmet, the powerful lioness-headed goddess, reigned over the hearts of the ancient Egyptians with unshakeable strength and influence. Revered for her power in war and her ability to protect, this deity is an essential figure in Egyptian mythology and religion. In this article, we explore the captivating facets of Sekhmet, from her mythological origins, through her artistic representations in Egyptian temples, to her dualistic role as destructive force and source of healing.


Origins and Mythology of Sekhmet

Etymology and Meaning of the Name Sekhmet

The name "Sekhmet" comes from ancient Egyptian and means "the powerful one". It derives from the root "sekhem", which translates as power or strength.

Mythology and Associated Legends

Sekhmet is often described as the daughter of the solar god Ra, sent to punish mankind for its faults. Her most famous legend relates the transformation of the goddess into the gentler Hathor to appease her rage.

She is closely associated with other goddesses such as Bastet and Hathor, sharing some of their aspects and attributes, reflecting the complexity and interpenetration of the Egyptian pantheons.

Representation and Iconography

Sekhmet the Lioness: Symbolism of the Lion's Head

The lion's head symbolizes destructive power, royalty and protection. It embodies the intensity of the burning sun and the rage of battle.

Illustrations and Statues in Egyptian Temples

Materials Used and Manufacturing Techniques

Most statues of Sekhmet were carved from stone and skilfully crafted to illustrate the combination of mortal beauty and divine power.

Temples and Main Sites with Representations of Sekhmet

  • Luxor Temple, where hundreds of statues have been discovered.
  • The Karnak temple complex, where she is depicted alongside other deities.

Other Attributes and Associated Objects

Sekhmet is often depicted wearing the sun disk and the uræus, the royal cobra , symbols of her sovereignty.

Sekhmet's role in War

The Goddess as Patroness of Battles

In Egyptian stories, Sekhmet is often invoked to guarantee victory and unleash chaos on enemies.

Stories and Myths of War Involving Sekhmet

Myths tell of how she accompanied the pharaoh into battle, guiding and protecting soldiers.

Ritual Practices for the Protection of Warriors and Pharaohs

Rituals included sacrifices and prayers to elicit her favor and divine protection during conflict.

Sekhmet in Protection and Healing

The Paradox of the Goddess: Warrior and Healer

Although fearsome, Sekhmet also holds a healing aspect, protecting against disease and epidemics.

Ritual and Worship of Sekhmet for Protection Against Disease

Specific ceremonies were performed to appease the anger of the goddess in order to prevent or cure disease.

Priests of Sekhmet and their Role in Egyptian Society

Priests played an essential role, mediating between the goddess and the people, performing healing rites and maintaining worship.

Worship and veneration of Sekhmet

Worship centers and religious practices

Memphis was one of the main centers of her cult, where veneration of the goddess took place on a daily basis.

Festivals and Celebrations in Honor of Sekhmet

The Egyptian New Year festival was a major occasion to celebrate the goddess with feasts and offerings to ensure her benevolence for the coming year.

Evolution of the Cult of Sekhmet in Egyptian History

The cult of Sekhmet underwent several transformations, reflecting the political and social evolutions of ancient Egypt.

Cultural Impact and Legacy

Influence of Sekhmet in Egyptian Art and Literature

Imagery of the goddess permeated many aspects of Egyptian art and literature, from monumental works to everyday objects .

The goddess continues to captivate the popular imagination, appearing in literature, films and even video games.

Archaeological Research and Recent Discoveries

Excavations continue to reveal fascinating elements about the cult of Sekhmet and her role in ancient Egypt.


Sekhmet illuminated the Egyptian pantheon with her formidable strength and her paradoxical ability to heal. Her history, her artistic representations, and her Egyptian cultural heritage remain fascinating subjects of study. advances in Egyptian archaeology promise new discoveries about the fascinating Lioness Goddess.


  • Bibliographic and electronic sources specializing in Egyptian mythology and history.